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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • Even though I agree with your second edit, I have to say that the point you mentioned in the first edit is really a concern. India used to have a freeze on the ‘share’ of the national budget that each state will get. It was based on the population from the 1971 census. Now that has been changed to 2011 census data

    Even though on the periphery it may look like this is the right thing to do, the problem is much more complex and nuanced. So there have been a lot of initiatives to control population growth in India, starting from 70s and reaching the peak in 90s. Southern states were more compliant and took good initiative to create awareness and enforce other measures. This is a broad generalisation, based on the south and north dichotomy. In general many Northern states were not very keen on that.

    The problem is this resulted in a larger population growth in Northern states compared to southern states. So now when the Central Government wants to change the proportion, southern states find it unfair, because their effort in controlling the population in the past is kind of neglected. This problem gets amplified with the fact that the southern states make really good contributions to GDP.

    But at the same time, as a nation it is the responsibility of the richer states to share and help the poorer state more, and help them to grow. Without this help even measures including population control and public health, cannot be implemented.

    I think this is a bit similar to the issues in Catalonia, and Spain. They contribute much more to the GDP, but get less compared to this from the Government.

    I really don’t think there is a straightforward solution to this.

  • Giving you the benefit of doubt here.

    “/s” technically means “this comment is sarcastic in nature”. But also commonly used with bad jokes and puns as well, indicating that this is indeed nonsense, and I’m aware of it, but I decided to say it anyway.

    The previous comment was just a bad and cliche joke that is common in internet forums, referencing the “Skynet” from the “Terminator” movie series.

  • sorter_plainview@lemmy.todaytoOpen Source@lemmy.mlVentoy Update
    3 months ago

    “I hope this message finds you well”, is a marker I have been using to detect GPT replies. Looks like this is from ChatGPT.

    Also it says “BLOB feature” and “BLOB functionality”. What in the coconut does that mean? “BLOB feature is an important aspect for our app.” Come on…

    It’s really pathetic that they didn’t even try to read it at least once.

  • I have a different experience. There was one thread which linked to a github issue. The issue said some blobs don’t have source code. Ironically when I went on to check, the blobs mentioned in the issue had source code, but there were other blobs which seemed to miss the source or build instructions.

    I would love to have an independent audit to put this issue at rest. All that happens is more and more noise and no resolution. I am not a programmer so can’t really help here.