Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks for the heads up!
Assuming the drive writes normally a simple command like
dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdX
Where sdX is the location of the drive should do the trick. Depending on drive time this may take a bit.
This was a few drives ago but there was a point in time when most places were giving me digital copies of tax documents which I could upload to tax prep software but things like TurboTax didn’t have an auto import. So you’d need to download them then re-upload them to the correct service. Now they do it automatically so the only thing that would match that now now is receipts for expenses/donations and what not that I need to keep track of for manual entry.
I started encrypting once I moved to having a decent number of solid state drives as the tech can theoretically leave blocks unerased once they go bad. Before that my primary risk factor was at end of life recycling which I usually did early so I wasn’t overly concerned about tax documents/passwords etc being left as I’d use dd to write over the platters prior to recycling.
I really miss Ubuntu from around that era, was by far the easiest thing to get up and running!
Vista was what pushed me to Linux originally, and I still haven’t gone back!
I mostly understand how these fuses prevent say downgrading firmware, but could t a Chinese firm looking to clone one of these also just clone the number of blow. Fuses equally trivially if the goal is just an also working device with stock firmware?
The security researcher, LimitedResults, coordinated disclosure with Espressif on their advisory and details of the exploit. The attack works against eFuse, a one-time programmable memory where data can be burned to the device.
By burning a payload into the device’s eFuse, no software update can ever reset the fuse and the chip must be physically replaced or the device discarded. A key risk is that the attack does not fully replace the firmware, so the device may appear to work as normal.
Why does a random esp32 chip need efuses in the first place??
My parents liked that show, and they still don’t believe in global warming. I think the only thing they remember was the line “we need another Timmy!”
They’ve also told me they don’t want socialized healthcare/any reform because they fully believe others not receiving care is necessary for them to receive good care so…you know they aren’t exactly individuals concerned about anyone but themselves at this exact second.
Because they want the benefits of a civilized society but think they shouldn’t have to pay for them
Pretty much every country you’d think of will refuse to accept immigration applicants who aren’t in essentially perfect health.
Seemed like he got a decent chunk of the town into the cult too.
We bought ours when it first came out after several terrible windows laptops. It still runs like new and there’s hasn’t been any need to consider upgrading (m1 air in our case). The biggest complaint is once or twice a year I need a usb c to an adapter for an old device or something.
We do import some eggs from Mexico in addition to what the others have mentioned
Because phones are still not able to shoot as well as a professional camera, never mind the skills needed to frame or light the scene correctly.
How does it increase earning potential? Best case it would flood the market with shit and result in less income due to either dilution of spending amongst thousands of idiots using “ai” or destroy the need for a market in the first place. If everything is ai why would I pay the “artist” instead of just going to stablediffusion or something similar?
Many states have little to no rules on storage. You also don’t really need a license to buy one just to carry it concealed in public (some states don’t even require this step). Of the states that have storage laws like my own, I’m unaware of any that require you to prove safe storage though. The laws only offer a punishment after the fact when something bad happens.
The problem is everything is a massive chain so as one goes, so goes them all so to speak. I have Kroger, Albertsons, and Walmart as my only choices for grocery store. I don’t see any chance that if Kroger does this Albertsons (assuming the proposed Kroger Albertsons merger fails) and Walmart don’t do the same.
Tl;dr it doesn’t need to benefit the customer if the customer has no real choice in where they shop
My town has three stores, Kroger, Safeway, and Walmart. As one goes so go they all most likely on this one so idk how I’d even begin to think about avoiding this longer term…
This might be overkill but I run an xrdp and just remote into it from any device. Tablet phone laptop etc with an rdp app. If you need it on the go you would also want something like tailscale or WireGuard as a vpn to access the computer while away from home