I guess you could try playing them on a desktop using waydroid
I guess you could try playing them on a desktop using waydroid
Good detective work
I received the same form of email receipt as I did for claiming PC games, so that’s a positive sign
That’s the same as Google Play though. If this behaves in the same way then pressing the download button will add it to your account for the future.
Defed Investigator seems pretty useful
I don’t usually do updates but I’ve added Tower Up as it looks pretty basic and it’s ending tomorrow
No worries! I feel I’m posting this all the time but I really shouldn’t grumble as it actually means we’ve got new subscribers!
You can get a free trial and claim all the games currently on offer, see the sticky post
FYI for anyone else discovering this today, you can create a free trial of Prime, grab all the free games that are currently available, then cancel and still keep all your games. No need to give Amazon any money!
The quick check is to search for a game on Proton DB and see how well it runs (usually pretty well!)
You’re welcome!
To make things extra confusing I think this is explicitly the code for the games but not the IP. As in the assets, art, etc. are not free, and you can’t just make your own game and call it Command & Conquer.
Sadly it seems that all the keys went in ten hours, definitely worth keeping an eye out for similar offers though
People are people; I feel we’ve generally got quite a good vibe going on so don’t let the grumps bring you down!
Not working in Summit either, I’ll raise a bug
Embedded video isn’t working for me FYI
Absolutely. If all you care about is the win at the end then maybe you don’t actually enjoy the game, you just enjoy dopamine.
Oh I think they all add to it, just that horror lets you get away without them more than other genres
It’s impressive how many short indie horror games there are. I guess it’s because the focus is usually the spookiness rather than game mechanics, graphics, or story, so it’s probably quite a good idea for your first game.
It is a relatively new app so maybe they haven’t perfected the UI yet. This is Epic though, so I wouldn’t hold my breath on it improving.