I’m not sure what to make of that in context. Do you mean that we should just suck it up?
I’m not sure what to make of that in context. Do you mean that we should just suck it up?
And another thing. Its America’s job to police this mess, they installed him either directly or indirectly. The rest of the world didn’t ask or vote for this dangerous toddler.
Given that there are no ideal moves in any direction, I feel that standing up to the bully is the only option on the table. They failed to do that in 1939.
We really don’t need such a leader, and in practice don’t have one at all. Usually it is a collision of mutual interests, at best.
Occasionally one of our leaders would mouth such empty platitudes when we wanted something, but only because the US loves that phrase.
Fundamentally, if you voted for Trump you do support his agenda. That’s how voting works.
You just don’t want to own it.
Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
No need to advise us outlanders not to visit the US. We have eyes and working brains.
It’s a fun horror franchise to watch, tho. Great script - a tad unrealistic.
That has already been suggested by his minions. Let the airlines manage everything. Including baggage and body checking.
Oh god, the very idea…
My take is that we have entered the apex of the MAGA phase.
Now that the incompetents have achieved power, they will start to destroy themselves through stupidity.
Don’t get me wrong, a lot of damage will be visited upon the heads of the innocent. But it is going to take this destruction to demonstrate just what a terrible idea it was to install these dickheads in the first place.
After all, the voters were warned, and also got a taste of chaos in the first series. They still voted him in.
Ok, let Trump set the electorate’s hair on fire and see what happens next.
Well, the Roman Empire took about 450 years before to started to go tits up.
All great empires go through to decline, the fascinating thing about the US is that it happened so quickly.
I’m not an American, but I heard that if California was a separate country it would be one of the top wealthiest countries in the world. The rest of the US is a tick on your butt. NY excepted.
I may be wrong.
Nice try, Zuckerberg…
The traditional deal is you only get to threaten folk who haven’t access to nukes. If they have, your threat can be ignored. That’s why North Korea is a thing and Saddam Hussein isn’t.
I mean, exclusively.
The Trump Presidential Library will comprise nothing other than piss porn.
Not meaning to needle you, Mate. Once again, if I come across as a jerk, sorry.
Don’t fret… I have absolutely no expectations that Americans can pull out of this power dive. I just hope that most of the damage will be self inflicted.