This would be huge
This would be huge
Debian is one of my favorites and one of the easiest to use if you are new. i haven’t tried mint but they are very similar.
I think the biggest part was selling people fake clout for a nearly 100% profit margin. They were going to sell us virtual clothes and status in mass en masse for our very real money. Not that this doesn’t already happen in gaming but it would have been expanded greatly
You misunderstand, I do not believe in intellectual property and I think copyright law shouldn’t exist. I do not believe in private ownership of property (note that I am not referring to personal property, private property is for making profit). I understand that copyright law is a necessity in capitalist society but I am not gonna be mad at China for “bullying” the capitalists I already hate. Our owning class is just mad about having actual competition for once in a few decades. These aren’t schoolboys who had their paper stolen by a bully, they are the richest people in the world doing everything in their power to make sure it stays that way.
There was hype?
I dont believe in IP nor value it in any way
I have no information on China’s use of slave labor but I can tell you that America allows business to “hire” their predominately BIPOC/immigrant prisoners for significantly lower than minimum wage. Considering these prisons can be and often are private you have enterprises buying and selling people and their labor for profit. Is this not slavery on a mass scale? Does America not purposefully maintain a disproportionately large prison population per capita and do everything it can to make sure it stays that way? Have you ever wondered why this country’s solution to its problems is always more cops and more guns?
How can we even criticize another country for their use of forced labor when we have done nothing to address our own. How can you be certain China is even doing that and it isn’t just deflection by US capitalist to distract us from much more pressing domestic issues. How can you trust a capitalist and the media conglomerates they all own to critique a socialist society in good faith?
Lmao China is not the anticompetitive one. Remind me who has done everything in their power to prevent China from acquiring domestic chip manufacturing on par with US financed Taiwan? Who is placing tariffs on all Chinese products and banning their EV’s and solar panels for being too effective for their price?
Humans can make the least arable land farmable when they need to. Hopefully the people of Russia never need to but they will, we all will.
There are plenty of innocent people who will be hurt by this. Yeah, thoughts and prayers for the immuno-compromised who willed be murdered by these fucks. The south isn’t fucking a monolith and you treating it like one helps them get away with shit like this
He thinks they will save him lol
I don’t know why they don’t just add it to the unsolved pile like all the other murders they see?
They don’t have shit lol
Void heart (rare)
I do not care
deleted by creator
I will believe it when I see it
Of course the colony has a private energy grid