Runs fine for me, and my pc isn’t even that powerful
Runs fine for me, and my pc isn’t even that powerful
Pokemon fans are some of the dumbest people in fandom. They will take bottom tier slop with a smile and get upset when you suggest that maybe the highest grossing franchise in human history should maybe do a little bit better. The reborn lineage of games is the only thing keeping me from abandoning the franchise entirely.
No? The first few generations were behind the curve even then.
Removed? What could the comment possibly say in this context that would warrant removal?
God, .ml manages to be the worst parts of both shitlib civility bullshit and tankie bullshit.
Eh, I’d much prefer a system of mana. Resource management should be more than a single fight, but vancian casting was always a stupid idea.
Magic sucked. Simple as. Destruction magic was weak, expensive to cast, and didn’t scale well. Other forms of magic also didn’t scale well or were otherwise very situational.
… How in the hell could you possibly think this would be a good idea?
He literally just said how it’d be worse. Although that’s probably not how it would get worse, splitting up the services of steam would make them inherently worse.
Which is honestly fucking hilarious. Russia is a pathetic backwater.
God there was a comment there dumb enough to make me want to make an account
You should probably start caring about video games before you talk about them
Isn’t the point of a trade secret that it can’t be legally protected? It’s secret because there is no consequence for another company using it if they find out
Musk wants to be acknowledged as superior by everyone, Trump only cares about a few fashie friends/idols/key holders of his.
The corpo media doesn’t want you writing about real solutions, it’s easier to get away with here! And i doubt the alphabet agencies will care as much as they used to now that they’re being directly attacked.
Pretty sure it is. The patent office will generally give you anything you want tho and let the expensive courts settle the fallout.
Kinda wild that they still rejected almost all of the patents tho, like holy shit that’s impressively incompetent on Nintendo’s part.
Nintendo’s patents, or the single one i should say, wouldn’t hold up or even apply to palworld in America, they will in Japan.
Tbh I’d wait for player reviews anyway if you want reviews, they are generally more reliable. Although i suppose that’s changing these days with people jumping on any little thing to feed their outrage addictions.
It is completely stupid. There is a reason the stereotypes about Japanese businessmen are what they are.
Genuinely evil creature
Man, the uk sucks