Wasn’t he just an enlisted PR stooge?
Wasn’t he just an enlisted PR stooge?
They’re all shit too. Fat lot of good privatization would do. USPS was Cool and Good until DeJoy was dropped in to throw wrenches into the cogs.
It’s Final Destination 1488, coming to theaters not any time soon
Any plane the President is on board is designated Air Force One. I know you’re half joking, but
I got a text from the dealership that sold me my car asking if I’m interested in a new car. I’m not anyway, but I responded that I’m not going to buy anything from them as these dumbass tariffs are coming. Too bad, so sad, I bet they voted for this shit too.
They drove me away with those tactics before I ever saw they were on YouTube. No, Donald Trump was not EVISCERATED by a tweet that he -couldn’t- -didn’t- couldn’t read, kick rocks with that dumb Avenatti hashtag resist horseshit
He cares. It’s all [self-]image. He doesn’t care whether they care or not, it’s a blow to his ego. It’s the Hindenburg.
I imagine these people in ICE have their dream jobs, they’re just not getting as much done as they want Those nuclear weapons inspectors who were fired, on the other hand, yeah
I think that has crossed the minds of a lot of people in the last several months, mine included
Serious about wanting to start WWIII by annexing a sovereign nation, he means.
Perhaps Trump will try to calm people by calling it, say, a “connection”?
De facto, not de jure. Not that any such jure matters anymore, but you get my drift.
Reminder: Usha Vance clerked for Kavanaugh and Roberts. While she doesn’t deserve to be the target of racial abuse, she does not likely take issue with such language being used more broadly.
On the other hand, she didn’t vote Republican until doing so for her husband in the 2022 primary in Ohio, so she is a land of contrasts, likely being on whatever side gives her power or access to it. She is, at best, undergoing some cognitive dissonance (though we haven’t seen any such evidence thus far), but she is no victim.
Only the second and fourth words bother maga
Ideally people would have seriously punished Ford for letting that Nixon prick get off scot free and fought against the personality cult that was built up for Reagan, but if we’re talking about this century, the democrats should have come up with something as soon as the tea party lunatics got in position to kneecap public sector unions during the first Obama administration.
It didn’t help that the occupy protesters were made to look like their message was a motley hodgepodge of pet causes with no real cohesiveness.
Meh, doubtful anything will come of it even if/when it happens
I quit paying any attention to all of that clickbait Meidas Touch/Krassenstein/[insert Hashtag Resist grifter talking head] bullshit during the 45th administration, why the hell should I do any different now.
I hope his premium skyrockets over increased risk
I’m neither queer nor am I otherwise in any immediate danger, and I decided on the day after the election that I’m buying a couple of guns. It’d crossed my mind during the 45th administration and now I realize that I should have committed myself to it sooner.
We should all be preparing ourselves whether we’re in danger or not, if only to be there for those who are endangered.
One-Eyed Monster, Penis for short (likely literally for him given his posturing)
UPS has always been hit or miss at best in my experience, but of the three, I’ll concede that it’s the least garbage. The other two have delivered packages to the wrong house—not as in like, “next door” wrong house, but as in “some house miles away” wrong house—or they sometimes just flat out don’t deliver a package and return it to the sender. If they do deliver a package, it’s rarely on time.
As for USPS, nowadays, my wife has tracked packages to see that they are brought to our local mail sorting facility, but then for some bizarre, inexplicable reason, they’re sent off elsewhere, even to another state, before being delivered here days later than the estimated delivery date. I have no idea what the hell is happening, but it’s insane and insanely stupid. And I know who is to blame, at least with this service anyway.