That still doesn’t solve 99.9% of my issues, it just tries to solve a problem for which I already have a solution actively in-place: a KVM.
That still doesn’t solve 99.9% of my issues, it just tries to solve a problem for which I already have a solution actively in-place: a KVM.
In that way it’s become adversarial.
Back in the 2000s, I was able to say that while a fundamental install took only about a half hour to set up, usability tweaks and a full fleshing out of functionality took another 4-8 hours depending on what the user was going to use the machine for.
I just did a Win11 24h2 install. It took nearly 24 working hours before I considered it even minimally functional for my needs. Cycling through Win10Privacy two or three times was particularly frustrating. Registry work alone took me a good 8-10 hours of trying stuff a step at a time and then rebooting to see how it worked.
At this point, the only reason why I am still running with a Windows rig is for those half-dozen programs that don’t have appropriate non-Windows variants. It’s why I’m also running a Mac Mini and an OpenSUSE tower through the same 4-port, 6-head KVM.
Spot Ads, […] says the advertisement does not violate its standards.
There are rules, and there are ethics.
Is it lawful to put up a sign like this? Sure.
Is it right? Nnnnnnope.
We should make things as financially painful for this company as possible. Scope out all of their signs, then do a blitz across their clientele, accusing them of going with an anti-Canadian advertiser. Try and make this hit the news, with those other businesses being “interviewed”. Hit them right in the pocketbook.
Finally, someone has crunched the numbers.
This should be crowd-sourced for added financial support.
When the cost of disobeying a direct order during “wartime” is prison or even execution, most soldiers will obey.
Especially since most of the American military is deeply conservative and ChristoFascist in the first place.
And so his purge of bipartisan and democratic leaders of the military allows him to ensconce lackeys that won’t question or refuse orders to invade other countries, like Canada.
People keep on saying that America won’t invade other countries, like Panama or Canada. THIS IS WHY THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO SO.
For registration of dot-ca domains in particular, I have always used CanSpace.ca. They seem to have the lowest prices of any Canadian registrar.
If I didn’t care about providence, I would likely suggest NameSilo or Porkbun, but I prefer to keep my dot-ca domains at a strictly Canadian registrar.
And while I self-host, they also seem to have decent entry-level prices if you’re not overly worried about putting all your eggs into one basket (despite this being a Not Good thing).
If you want to remain resilient against issues with any one provider, split up name registration, DNS, and hosting from each other. That way, if one kills the services you are using, switching to another provider will be much easier. If you plan to set up an eMail server, also consider splitting that up into a separate hosting provider or service provider.
If you plan to set up everything yourself, avoid the $$$ hosting panels like WHM/cPanel. Yes, that particular one is very good, but its price has spiked by a ridiculous amount in the last few years, and IMO it isn’t worth it anymore. There are other control panels that are much lower cost or even no cost that get you almost as far (ease of use + power).
Canada might need these sooner rather than later.
With the breakdown of democracy and the rule of law in America, the Constitution just became wholly unenforceable and therefore irrelevant. That means that Trump could make good on his fever dream of invading Canada.
And there are many Americans who would jump at the chance to obey his command to slaughter Canadians. With only 40M against America’s 334M - and 0.097M military personnel against America’s 2.1M - it would be absolutely no contest.
Our only way of making such a fascist act of aggression as painful as possible would be with asymmetrical warfare using tiny, hard-to-defeat drones that could act independently and strike without warning. Deploy 10k of these suckers onto a battlefield, and the only survivors would be those within sealed armour or flying at high altitude. Because even an A10 Warthog loitering low over the field can be taken out if it unexpectedly ingests a half-dozen of the explosive buggers.
Canadian phone on a Canadian carrier, freshly updated to iOS 18.3.1. Looks like the correct and proper name is still being used by Apple Maps.
More corporate welfare. Sweet. Billionaires need their handouts, after all.
Meanwhile, the working class gets shafted harder than ever.
Prioritizing natural gas is risky. Prioritizing nuclear power, not so much.
Even hydroelectric is more risky than nuclear. And in an era of climate change, inconsistent weather can bring inconsistent rainfall. There might come a time when reservoirs simply don’t stay full enough to generate electricity. And yes, while Nuclear power requires water to cool, this water can also be recycled through cooling towers. You don’t need massive bodies of water for nuclear power.
And what hydroelectric, solar, and wind power do, is make electrical systems resilient. Solar power in particular, tends to peak at about the same time that maximum power is needed for air conditioning during the summertime. And the right kind of nuclear reactor can be throttled up and down quite quickly in response to varying demands on the electrical system. If everyone pumping solar power back onto the grid, nuclear power can come to an almost complete standstill in only a matter of minutes. You can’t do that with traditional fossil fuel power plants.
That is highly illegal in Canada, so no. You should be reported to the government.
It won’t be illegal when the country doesn’t exist anymore.
And if you want to roll over and show your belly to an invading aggressor, I have no problem lumping you in with other fascist collaborators.
This is also why I am going for my firearms license this year.
And once I have it, an FN-P90 with full-sized magazines. Plus something decently portable and long-range. Because if they cross the border in force - and America has had invasion plans refreshed every decade since WWII - I intend to make their occupation as painful as possible. We’ll definitely lose and be fully occupied - 40M vs 134M is no contest - but asymmetrical warfare can be exceedingly effective against a larger (and arrogant) aggressor.
Who’s with me in getting their license to practice at the range with?
Oh, thank god.
And I say that even as an atheist.
Conservatism is the most bigoted, corrupt, anti-democratic and downright anti-human political system out there. It has only two purposes:
Let’s all avoid fascism and corporatism, and vote for the working class in this year’s election. Canada needs the NDP to win.
Anyone who is against the carbon tax is either a multi-millionaire (as in, 10M+ in liquid assets) with more money than morals, or a deeply ignorant person.
The only people that the carbon tax truly hurts are the wealthy. And for virtually anyone reading this, that ain’t you.
If it wasn’t for Marketplace, I would be off Facebook entirely.
But I am not on threads at all, and only get punted over to Instagram with reels that appear on my Facebook account.
“Trickle down economics only occurs when the wealthy bleed.”
Similar, and appropriate. The working class will only benefit once the wealthy are no longer wealthy.
Women are often delaying their first child well into their 30s or even 40s
Women who delay into their 40s are highly likely to never have children. Even waiting until the mid-30s dramatically reduces a woman’s chance of ever being able to have children naturally.
Pregnancies after the age of 35 are called “geriatric pregnancies”, because they occur at the very tail end of a woman’s fertile timespan.
Fertility itself starts going down some time between 28 and 32, and really starts plummeting by 40. The medical field considers nearly all women 45 and older to be “functionally sterile”, even though menopause itself may still be years or decades away.
I mean, can a woman get pregnant naturally after the age of 45? As in, without modern medical reproductive assistance in the many tens of thousands of dollars? Sure, but it is vanishingly rare.
Conservatism: the cruelty is the point.