Russia taking tips from his fellow ICC convict Bibi.
Russia taking tips from his fellow ICC convict Bibi.
Absolutely if you go on killing their parents, their brithers and sisters; bomb their playgrounds, their schools. What else they are going to do except for lashing out anyone. These would be the kids vulnerable to be brainwashed into doing further horriffic things.
What’s good for it.
Russia learning from Israel.
Edit - People downvoting me seem to be saying that I must acknowledge Israel’s professor i.e. USA.
It was US war which had European partners because of the NATO treaty. US left after betraying people who helped US in US’s fight into the hands of the very people US was fighting.
So is US also, an unreliable partner, in Afghanistan, Vietnam.
After ending genocide at home it just exports it.
Bcoz US
It feels like gallows humour.
Can Russia invading Ukraine and Israel invading Lebanon be enough.
According to what I heard on youtube from US lawyers, the statuette of limitation will run out by the time Orange Goo finishes with his current term. Leading to no trial. There is no pausing.
So reading a 200+ page EULA before saying I do, got it.
Why should Palestinians have all the genocidal fun?
People individually care, I care, but as a community it is too far away for people be concerned about it.
It is obvious from the hatred protestors are getting everywhere, the haste with which media and the public make the Palestinians the villian are Israeli the victims.
Gaza no one cares about you
Well history did tell that convicted felon wouldn’t become the president but that didn’t come true.
So yes history can give an inkling about the future but it is just that, nothing more, not an absolute.
History doesn’t predict future, that was his point.
Absolutely why should death and destruction be only there. Let also the exporter get a taste of their own product.
However it will start with the doctors. The lowest hanging fruit.
A teacher is always greater than the pupil, in this case worse.