Yeah, I don’t say I don’t understand your feelings. People seeking revenge is a natural impulse. It’s just not what the German system aims for.
Yeah, I don’t say I don’t understand your feelings. People seeking revenge is a natural impulse. It’s just not what the German system aims for.
Well, I guess it depends on what you want to achieve.
If just you let a criminal rot in jail forever without any perspective, that’s just an inhumane and expensive form of death sentence. If you desire revenge and torture that’s your way to go.
On the other hand, I think 15 years in prison is a pretty long time to realize what you have done, to regret it and possibly change for the better. In a scenario without perspective you as a prisoner feel completely detached from society and instead of maybe having an epiphany one day, you’ll rather feel more and more hatred.
Sure, if you’re still as bad of a person at the end of your sentence, then you can’t be released in order to protect society from you.
If I were a victim, I’d probably feel better knowing that my offender is released from prison, feels guilty and deeply regrets the crime. At least in comparison to someone that is proud of what happened, full of hate and is just waiting for a chance to get at me again.
No, I think there are some that are comparable to mid-class hotels and some that are a lower standard. But in general none should be as bad that you’d rather die if you didn’t want to die before your imprisonment.
In Germany at least, jail time doesn’t scale linearly with the count of crimes or victims. Jail time isn’t primarily meant as revenge or punishment, but more as the time required to revisit the mistakes you did and to make you again a functional member of society.
It won’t necessarily make a difference if you murder one person or 10 or 100. Typically, the sentence will be 15 years. If the judge thinks you’re too dangerous to ever be released again they can order you to stay in prison after the 15 years end (“Sicherheitsverwahrung”) but also this decision will be revisited at some point.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
Are you aware of a study that systematically compared margarine and butter in that regard? I searched on Google Scholar but wasn’t able to find any trustworthy bigger / international papers. Some small scale ones looking only at a handful of products in Pakistan but nothing that feels really reliable.
In Germany someone sent 19 popular margerine, butter and hybrid brands to a laboratory in 2015 to debunk the myth of trans fatty acids in margarine. Indeed, all plant-based products scored significantly better. Butter and ghee had 4 to 10 times higher amounts of trans fatty acids.
The author of this study (if you want to call it a study) wanted to proof exactly that. Therefore, I personally would take its outcome only with a grain of salt. But as I didn’t find any more trustworthy sources, I’d be glad to see yours.
And then the prototype will be just the regular robotaxi where he stuffed a bunch of letters on the passender seat. Car is meant go from house to house and then honk untill people come down and pick up their stuff from the seat. Unfortunately, the vehicle only works in movie studios with a pre-programmed route. Those of you not living in a movie studio will have to pick up their stuff at the next Tesla dealer for a small fee of $10.
I’d love the UK to rejoin the EU one day. Obviously, participation shouldn’t be hop on / hop off but as long as all prequisites are met I would say the bigger the better.
There’s also vegetable oil and margarine with butter flavor btw. that is way healthier.
I think all we need is a clear communication and strategy. We still have politicians that want to prolong the production of ICE cars and/or large scale use e-fuels. If we had these decisions way ealier, it would have been better, sure but every additional year that goes by will worsen the effects on economy.
Depends on what the tariffs are about. If there’s a tariff on a specific category of finished consumer goods, an import of the materials/ parts in combination with a local assembly might indeed reduce or avoid the taxes you have to pay.
Not to forget these crazy machines that’ll give you free money if you smash in one of those weird plastic thingys from your purse. Absolutely bonkers!
I think you got to start somewhere and then scale it up over time. If we wait until we have piles of batteries at hand, people will criticise that no one addressed the issue early enough. Furthermore, I see a potential feedback loop. If we start deconstructing and recycling the batteries now, we learn early what the biggest issues are and can potentially tweak the next generation of cells to make them easier recycable.
I agree. Many companies have shady practices but very few of them have CEOs that show their shitty character as open as Elon Musk. One important reason of buying an electric car instead of a ICE car is causing less harm / negative impact to the world. And people who make their buying decision based on that in many cases don’t appreciate people constantly lying and promoting fachism. I personally won’t buy a Tesla as long as he is involved.
I only ever used it for 3D printing but FreeCAD apparantly also has a floor plan functionality. I found this video that might give you some insights on how it looks:
When using FreeCAD for 3D printing, you don’t necessarily have to add measures/constraints to everything, so I’d assume it’s similar here.
How the hell can one have patent of ‘catching a creature through aiming’ or even more crazy to me ‘riding a creature’ in games? Both concepts exist in so many games and even in real life. I mean did Nintendo never hear of horses?
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