Yeah, let’s show him how democracy and actual justice works.
Yeah, let’s show him how democracy and actual justice works.
“Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?”
Everyone who says that is actually a fascist. Countries are not businesses and they should not be run like them. They are not profit seeking enterprises.
The whole concept of maximising profits for the shareholders is toxic. Even for companies. It totally ignores the cost-benefit calculus of every other group connected to it. Employees, customers, environment, countries. There needs to be a change to this basic tenet in order for humanity to survive.
Other than, you know, taste. People can tell the difference in blind taste tests. And most people prefer the sugar sweetened version. It’s just that in the US the corn lobby will not give you the option to choose anything else.
Finland isn’t the only one. Poland, Baltic states remember well. Even more so than Finland. And that being said as a Finn. Their economy is just either smaller or they have a longer way to go to catch up.
Actually there is also the fact that in his latest speech the chair also did weird things. Like moving back and forth. Either the speech was spliced together or deepfaked. Either way there is something weird going on.
Just wait until Trump starts a trade war with your country.
The fact that a plurality of voters actively chose Donald Trump, again, tells you just how badly the Democrats have failed the People.
You can’t just explain it away. The income inequality is worse now than it has ever been. People are willing to try Anything different. Even if it is objectively bad for themselves. Status quo doesn’t cut it anymore.
By that logic we should be happy gazing at our own navels, shouting to the void, looking at empty pages.
Because it has the users Mastodon lacks.
And that includes the orange one himself.
You could argue that what the US did when they were all for free trade was bad. Using debt traps to impoverish third world countries. Imposing policies that were and are detrimental on weaker nations. Now that China is doing the same with belt and road it is suddenly evil. The only thing that has changed is who is benefiting.
Like they didn’t Mike Pence?
Ambos son parte del mismo problema.
I wish most western politicians were a part of that world at large.
Oh you mean the Russians are hoping for an escalation. Like they have been doing consistently for the past ten years.
They should be. They’ve been one of the more stable regions of Somalia for quite some time.
Didn’t you hear? They are scaling back those deportations.
Yeah, of the world’s leaders vast majority of them are dictators or wannabe dictators. Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Modi, Netanyahu, Erdoğan, Orban and the list goes on.
Yeah, that’s how it has been done for ages. At least when it comes to the administration. Best democracy money can buy.