Already use it and recommend it. Simple and light. In fact, go for the entire ecosystem if you need ligh weight alternatives to GAPPS
Already use it and recommend it. Simple and light. In fact, go for the entire ecosystem if you need ligh weight alternatives to GAPPS
The government says, they do.
I abused debfoster for years… it kept my machines running very, very clean.
So we see each other eye to eye.
I understand few will ever contest orders; it’s just how it is drilled to the recruits. But there are those who do and those should be commended.
Just recently in my country we had a soldier denouncing illegal practices in special forces recruit and the responsibles were dragged to court for it. Because we do not have separate military courts, it wasn’t swept under the rug.
I also had a school mate that spent some jail time for breaking a couple of teeth from an officer. But it served to set their attitude straight.
Allow me to disagree and that is why it exists the military code of conduct.
Just because an order is given, doesn’t make it correct or lawful and a soldier is on their right to refuse such an order. And those who do not, when things go wrong, are often thrown under the bus, with the higher ups walking away with a slap on the wrist, if ever.
Yes. First of all, unprofessional.
I agree but, as a principle, it was wrong.
If a soldier is unable to discerne right from wrong, they are worst than the enemies they fight.
I think I got it!
Can you teach me or just point towards a tutorial?
Can someone imagine the outcome of a single Elon company going bust?
So he is only half stupid but still dumb as a brick for spewing out these things.
Now that I managed to hold down the laughs, can someone be so kind in explaining the obcession with Greenland from Orange Man?
Genuine curiosity.
Not trying to pry into your intimacy but what is motivating such a concern for speeding up your media consumption rate?
I struggle with that same issue. I’ll risk nine out of 10 people suffer from it. There are only twenty four hours in a day.
In my understanding, that is not a good way to make better use of your time. I’m glad it works for you but makes no sense whatsoever.
If you do that for, to my understanding, speeding through dialogue heavy content, you’re essentially following podcasts. You can do many things while listening anything, at normal speeds.
And what is the reason for doing that?
Be careful… remember of Darth Binks
Bleach. Preferably warm. Basic solutions are better at dissolving fatty tissues.