Lots is not covered. Dentists are private for example
Lots is not covered. Dentists are private for example
Don’t come to Canada. If I was able to leave this country, I would. We have so many of the same problems as the US. I would go to Europe
It’s been great watching Ubisoft fail so spectacularly in the only thing big game companies seem to care about now, share price. It’s been a long time coming with their garbage practices. I remember when they were creative and used to try to make great games. Black Flag and Farcry 4 are still some of my favourite games.
Hopefully what is happening to Ubisoft and their share price scares the shit out of all the big gaming companies and forces them to listen to what gamers want rather than trying to get them to play live service games.
Stuff like this should qualify for a lifetime suspension from driving. Extreme disregard to the safety of others.
Too late Microsoft, I just moved to Linux this week and im not looking back