I’m streets ahead!
I’m streets ahead!
it doesn’t, i repeated the same thing. you can’t vote harder in general elections to make change without voting local and in primaries for actual progressives first. let’s see if someone gets confused again so I can rephrase the same thing a fourth time
it wasn’t because he’s independent. it’s because he’s joe fucking lieberman, obama’s best bud… again, Sinema and Manchin were democrats. they still fucked over progressives.
that’s distinction without difference. Bernie is independent, Sinema and Manchin were democrats. getting democratic seats no matter who it is won’t change anything.
yeah that’s exactly my point, hence my original comment about general election majority not meaning anything without voting for actual progressives if not leftists in primaries
yeah really, idk whay that is but a table only gives you a snapshot. 111th congress I believe had at one time majorities in both houses, and a 60-40, including the democratic caucusing independents.
when Obama was elected. democrats had the presidency, the house and senate, with a supermajority. guess what they did with it: dick.
you’ve had 60. it doesn’t matter. what you need is to vote local and in primaries. you can’t keep letting the party establishment rot take hold and hope it will lead to change in the general elections.
the phone heats with use as well. but yeah Samsung is known for its high build quality. it’s not like they made devices that explode or anything.
no keep the glue please. I love that my phone’s back just came off on its own just because it was hot outside and the glue melted away. it was fun and exciting!
remember that the debt limit is only a thing so they can hijack legislation with the threat of shutting down the government. there’s no other reason to have it if the only way the government can function is by raising it every time.
dude that’s a grifter
I think your point about sarcastic use of a statement to make fun of it being the same as saying it genuinely is nonsense.
The comment clearly makes fun of Israel’s misuse of the term, which is basically in agreement with your point that it should be differentiated from real antisemitism.
Your comment basically means the famous onion headline published about mass shootings contributes to people ignoring gun violence because they say there’s nothing you can do about it. which is completely false. that goes against the entire concept of sarcasm and satire.
thank you! I won’t reference the annoying sub but good work
sorry for the confusion, I meant length of distance, not lifespan. so not orca years, but orca kilometers. i assume one orca kilometer is longer than a human kilometer since orcas are larger and probably they travel faster in water than we do on land on average. and I assume there’s no such thing as an orca mile because everyone keeps saying orcas are smart creatures.
i know this isn’t really appropriate, but you know how we have dog years to sort of imagine how significant a year is in a dog’s life?
I think we need the same with length measurements for big sea creatures like orcas and whales. 1000 miles I’m sure is still a long long way for an orca but this made me wonder exactly how long it would feel for an orca as opposed to a human.
Gabe Newell is much more likely to go down before steam does. his words mean nothing for the future.
the whole media coverage of this event has been equivalent to spamming this hashtag.
yeah them gosh darn immigrants comin’ere stealin’ our murder stories
fucks sake
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