We just did. Only reason it took this long is because it auto-renewed this time last year for a year slightly ahead of when we thought it was gonna do that. Oops.
We just did. Only reason it took this long is because it auto-renewed this time last year for a year slightly ahead of when we thought it was gonna do that. Oops.
We trick-or-treated at a house that had two of them. One had the trunk open filled with candy. Cute but two???
Some of us Tesla drivers refuse to use any of their bullshit auto-driving software (I don’t even use lane assist anymore) because of bad experiences so hopefully most of them are just driving normally. Which I do admit may not spark much confidence given how terrible some drivers are.
We got burned by dieselgate with two cars so they’re dead to me. Which is too bad because I really liked the Jetta that we had. There is a small vindictive part of me that wishes they’d fail, especially since their penance for the diesel scandal was supposed to be dumping a ton of money into their EV side and now they’re failing at that.
She is so badass. That last line gives me chills.
My hope is that she chose him, so she likes him, maybe for the same reasons we do.
Yes! This is my dad to a T. Meanwhile, my husband and I (oldish millennials) “cut the cord” fairly early on but more importantly, we actually have the TV off occasionally. That only happens in my parents’ house if my dad isn’t home. When I was a kid, he’d be working in the garage — where he had a TV — but we weren’t allowed to change the channel in the living room because he’d go back and forth and didn’t want to miss anything.
It’s a hard balance, being parents right now. I’m going to make an assumption and guess you mean you see them in public, yeah? The thing is (I say this as a parent of currently 9 and 7 year olds), our society — at least, my society in the US — still feels a bit like it expects children to be “seen and not heard” while in public. If even seen, to be honest. I don’t see it as much here on Lemmy but I saw anti-kid posts on Reddit all the time. I don’t mean childfree; I mean they constantly complained about other people’s kids. Yes, sometimes that can be due to a lack of structured parenting, but kids are also just little socially-inept, impulse-driven creatures who are still figuring the world out. The urge to hand them a magical little device that will occupy them and keep them “seen and not heard” while you are out somewhere is perilously strong.
All that being said: just last week I was sitting to the side at my son’s martial arts class, and next to me was a mom on her phone who had a young girl, maybe 3 or 4, next to her. The girl was squirmy but quiet. I could not help noticing that the mom barely looked up from her phone the whole time. I felt really bad for the girl.
You think some of the right-wingers who decry climate change will adopt EVs via Tesla since Elon sucks up to their guy now?