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No I didn’t actually.
I’ve never bothered with the app.
I just use airplay and let HomeKit handle it and have had absolutely 0 issues with it.
My appleTV discovered it and provided it to HomeKit and I was done.
I’ve had my Sonos sound bar controlled by HomeKit since the day I bought it and have never needed to fuck with their app.
I guess I got lucky?
Against the storm is pretty fun
No, I am Benchy!
The game never looked super great in screenshots, but when you’re playing it with the sounds and water moving and the sway of the boat and sails going, etc, it definitely becomes MUCH more engrossing and immersive.
A high school education ought to explain why this isn’t possible.
I dont have this set up so idk, but I do know automations are able to be coordinated based on location and who is present and when.
These constraints aren’t anything major is all that I’m saying
Sounds like a fairly simple automation tbh.
Notifications tend to come through HomeKit itself rather than as a text message.
So they’re native push alerts to phones / people / devices enrolled in the home.
My HomeKit automation makes my friends who spend a ton of time researching and setting shit up look silly.
I hate saying it but my automation just works, and they’re still in the perpetual tinker stage.
It’s a me a Weegee
Beep boop, I’m not a bot I’m an astromech.
Galactic Conquest was one of the best modes ever.
The Maccabeam
The scenario you’ve put folks in here is one where you had your eyes closed while we all watched.
Now you’re saying you didn’t see what we all saw while you had your eyes closed.
You willfully had your eyes closed and refused to see and now you’re being contrarian and difficult based on that.
You prove it didn’t happen.
tech tribalism at its best
The app for MacOS? On apple silicon doesn’t use Rosetta any longer I believe
My M1 and M3 beg differ.
Threats understood are more easily mitigated.
Also sometimes things like fax are used because of the laws protecting those wires
Killer App in this instance really means “a use case that justifies the cost”