Other companies provide nothing, so it’s definitely better than average.
Other companies provide nothing, so it’s definitely better than average.
It’s ultimately a question of money. Older guys with software engineering degrees and fancy salaries can spend their weekends doing free community service in the form of open-source development. Younger people have to worry about job and rent and bills, they simply don’t have that kind of free time.
Add to that the growing complexity of the software. Something that could be done by an university student before, like writing an OS from scratch, won’t be nearly as useful as it would in the '90-s, because it was already done before, now you have multiple OSes to choose from. And joining an existing software project is hit-or-miss, some are inclusive and some are an old boy club where you need to know the secret rules.
I think your videocard is about to die.
I have switched from XTerm to Konsole only a year ago.
What kind of statistics do you expect? Evaluating the financial situation of everyone who crossed the border would be complicated, if not illegal. The last census in Ukraine was done in 2001, we don’t even know the total population number, we can only estimate.
From acquaintances and colleagues who left Ukraine in 2022.
Many of these people have an apartment or other property left in Ukraine. There’s an incentive to return. And not everyone can learn a new language.
Ha, everyone knows that cocaine grows on coca trees, not banana trees.
In Russia, bad hackers are promoted to infantry. They also cannot make a decent living elsewhere, because they are conscripted and cannot leave the country.
Donations are not sustainable. Many open-source projects tried them, and the only thing they can cover are server costs or conferences, developers are still working for free on their own time.
it’s used to verify that OpenGL ES2 works on your system. It’s the variant of 3D graphics drivers that is used on smartphones. Many apps nowadays write their GFX frontend with GLES2 so it uses the same code on phones and PCs, and if they compile the app to run in the web browser, WebGL is also based on GLES2.
The security issue is very likely scenario. If you’re in Russia, you can go to jail at any moment on totally bogus charges. It is very easy for FSB to pressure some random kernel maintainer into adding hard to detect backdoor into their code, it will be XZ situation all over again.
Yes they do. See the long-standing debate over the ban to export crypto algorithms to Iran.
What about systemctl poweroff
Just look at those nested parentheses. A true sign of (pedantic) greatness, when a person needs to clarify something in their earlier clarification.
Tech companies spend effort on a FOSS project when either it’s their main product, or when they have no choice, it’s licensed under GPL and there are no BSD or Apache-licensed alternatives. Contributions are usually done by individual employees in their after-hours time, and most managers see it as directly benefitting their competition.