Hmm. And Hungarexit is at least a syllable too long.
Could combine the Hungarian name for their country with something else maybe. Magyexit is three syllables, for example.
But I reckon I have a winner: Magyeet
Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.
Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.
Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on
Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.
Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish
Hmm. And Hungarexit is at least a syllable too long.
Could combine the Hungarian name for their country with something else maybe. Magyexit is three syllables, for example.
But I reckon I have a winner: Magyeet
No, it’s more like each extremist Muslim doesn’t want any other man looking at any of his women, because he knows what he’d be unable to stop himself from doing if he saw someone else’s woman and assumes every other man is like that.
And that line of thinking breeds generations of men who rather than might think that way, actually do think that way, making the rule even more necessary.
It’s also a lot easier for a man to punish or beat a woman than it is another man, and it’s that line of thinking which turns women into property rather than people. And property can be treated however you like.
In which Russia tries to drag everyone else back to the dark ages so they can beat us with experience.
Self-burns are rare and this is an especially subtle one. ~chef’s kiss~
I assume the qualifier “…that makes sense to anyone else” was implicit.
Look, if you’re “not racist” but are willing to allow or use racism as a means to an end, you’re actually pretty frickin’ racist.
All the same harm is done.
“But I don’t believe it in my heart!”
Wonderful. Do something that mitigates all the harm you’re causing if not improve the lives of the people who are being harmed.
Can’t do that because it would undermine your process? Time to accept it. You’re a racist.
Well, some of us have voted for him more than once because the way voting rules are worded, it’s implicit that those who aren’t eligible can’t vote for him once, so more than once is clearly perfectly fine!
The “solution” to this will be that you’ll only be allowed to have one at a time. Choose and choose wisely. Changing will mean a huge amount of paperwork each and every time.
Inconvenient? Tough. Unless you’re rich.
There’ll be a tier of “known persons” who will be allowed travel without needing a passport, a bit like how it already works for the British monarch (and probably others I don’t know for sure about).
People have limited attention spans and a headline needs to be short and to the point, even if there aren’t any space concerns, or else people won’t read the headline, the gateway to reading the article.
Basically, you’ve got to get a reaction in about 20 characters or else the rube reader won’t receive programming click / buy / read.
That doesn’t leave a lot of space for innovation, so the old faithful few are re-used over and over.
Dead end, local maximum, tomayto, tomahto.
Depends on what you mean by “stop using”. We never even had Internet at the house I grew up in, but for at least one job around 2000, we had dial-up on standby in case the ISDN went down, and occasionally used it for side projects even when the ISDN was working. (In fact I’m not sure we ever needed to fail over in the time I was there.). One of those side projects was mine, which means that ~2000 was the first and last time I was a dial-up user.
But then there’s provisioning dial-up, which is kind of using it from the other end …iiif you squint a bit. In that case people were still occasionally signing up with another company I worked for circa 2014. I could probably have found the usage stats back then, but was never curious enough to check and never had the need to, and I’ve since moved on.
Best as I can tell, that company no longer offers sign-ups to old-school dial-up service. Can’t say I’m surprised. I do wonder if they’ve any old accounts grandfathered in though. I don’t remember the dial-up number to check if there’s something modem-y on the other end.
A Reddit image link here on the Fediverse? Ew.
It’s strongly suspected that Russia had some influence on Brexit, if not a whole heap of other things:
Nonetheless, that result weakened both the UK and Europe, which is the sort of thing Putin would have been very much interested in.
I mean, it could all be a massive coincidence, or it could be a massive coincidence like all those people falling out of windows.
Yeah, they’re trying new things again. Gotta squeeze that stone for all the blood that’s in it.
One of my accounts has been getting a long delay before the video starts. Pre-roll ads are trying to load and play but the add-ons I have installed are still stopping them from completely succeeding. For now.
I also have auto-play turned off, and I wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Pretty sure the systems at their side think that I’m seeing the ads because I’ve had pop-ups during the delay offering free Premium.
Journalists for RFA aren’t being sentenced to 3 generations of there family being out into concentration camps for disagreeing with the US govt.
Careful. If Trump could read, he’d think that was a brilliant idea.
So, has Musk straight up admitted to being a white supremacist or has he only dropped anvil-sized hints so far?
I can only speak to the topics I followed on another account, but it provided plenty of reading for those topics. Whether it covered all possible posts and whether it works well for all topics, I couldn’t say.
It does kind of rely on people tagging things properly, which people might not do if they’re on a Mastodon instance specific to that topic. But then, they ought to know that those posts wouldn’t Federate well, and indeed, might not want them to.
Mastodon is microblogging. As others have said, it’s similar to Twitter. Lemmy is a link aggregator with a comments/conversation section per link, like Slashdot, Digg or Reddit.
I think the thing that people forget to do with Mastodon is to follow hashtags. The feature wasn’t there early on but it’s been there for probably a year or more now. Then you block or mute the accounts you don’t want to see that post under those tags.
It’s a useful substitute for following accounts when you have no idea which accounts to follow. You can then curate and actually follow accounts whose content outside those hashtags also catches your eye.
On the link aggregators there are the groups which don’t exist on Mastodon, but that’s what hashtags are for, right? Marking the topic.
The only hard part about it for me is feeling bad about blocking innocent accounts.
Also worth mentioning is that Mbin instances exist, and that software is basically both Lemmy and Mastodon rolled into one site. The posts aren’t fully integrated though. You have to click something to view the microblog side of things and click something to go back.
I’ve seen that picture online before, and pointed out (in whatever forum I was on) that it looks a lot like a cricket sweater, which doesn’t fit with his image at all, and I doubt he’s ever worn, let alone owned one.
At the time, someone suggested that it might have been a “portrait in search of a head” (my paraphrase) and Trump commissioned the artist to put his face on it. I reckon the artist might have been hoping to sell to someone like Shane Warne, but Donny bought it instead.
Sadly, I doubt anyone will get to use it any time soon. His faithful are our contemporaries and they won’t let that happen.