3D printer noises
3D printer noises
And the Tesla truck can’t be a coincidence.
Yep, they are also being abused with the added “bonus” of helping pit workers against workers instead of all workers against the super-rich.
Great for billionaires. Make workers desperate, scared, docile, and cheap.
We have the means to make our own right here, right now but some of us are too greedy to make it happen.
Just look at the overlap of religious fundamentalists and conspiracy believers.
They got the most crooked and bonkers president elected. Ah yes, the spoiled NYC billionaire is going to save the children from the lizard people. Praise be!
A very vocal and very active minority I guess.
With Trump in office soon you can forget about regulation.
And in any case, it’s tech-adjacent so legislators have zero idea how any of this works.
Indie devs have been there forever. Can’t compete on the AAA features? Compensate with interesting art and smart tech.
The new Indiana Jones game is really fun.
I know far-right extremists aren’t the sharpest bunch or the most well-adjusted but I’m trying and failing to understand the reasoning behind ramming a christmass market as an anti-Islam action.
And so much for a “jury of our peers” if they are padded with billionaires.
Maybe it’s their strategy to tackle immigration by making their country a hellhole for anybody but the super wealthy?
And the content of their address book.
Voting for the leopards they were certain would not eat their face.
And that’s after being abandoned after fighting Saddam Hussein as well.
With Michael Bay of all people. Sounds like something out of a comedy sketch.
Classic “Got mine, fuck you”.
Silly clown, should have asked ChatGPT! /s
It’s amazing how these very unregulated tech companies that have been proven time and time again to steal user data and mess up have this blind trust from the public.