He might pardon a couple of them just to get a sound bite out of it, but once he’s shown that he “won” by pardoning a couple he won’t give a shit anymore and he’ll leave the rest to rot in prison.
He might pardon a couple of them just to get a sound bite out of it, but once he’s shown that he “won” by pardoning a couple he won’t give a shit anymore and he’ll leave the rest to rot in prison.
Everyone with an IQ over room temperature knew leaving the EU was a losing move for everyone but the oligarchs looking to snap up businesses for cheap. They’re intentionally driving the UK economy into the ground so they can snap everything up in a fire sale knowing that their wealth is safely protected in foreign investments. They’re trying the same playbook over in the US now. Trump will tank the US economy (not to mention gut the anti-monopoly regulations) and then the megacorps will start gobbling.
Has Brexit cost them anything politically? Or is it still the exact same bullshit as before Brexit happened? Sure seems like nothing has changed.
Absolutely nothing, it’s utterly useless. The only useful info at this point would be if they can find some kind of evidence to prove this wasn’t an accident, either some kind of intentional ignition source in the car, or a manifesto or some kind of proof of motive. Until either of those surface I’m just chocking this one up to Teslas doing Tesla things with some new years fireworks and camping supplies making it extra spicy this time.
No it’s not illegal to access the porn, the porn sites are just required to “prove you’re over 18” using an approved mechanism, which in practice means a scan of a state ID. Porn sites rightly don’t want to touch that kind of PII with a 100 foot pole so are just blocking all access instead. Technically, they attempted to comply with the law exactly as the law requires so nothing illegal has occurred. Basically it’s a giant waste of everyone’s time and the only lasting impact is that VPN companies are loving this.
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I don’t think it actually “exploded”, just caught fire. So you know, standard behavior for a Tesla.
Not unless they’re a minority or they kill or threaten someone rich and conservative. The rich part there is really important, they won’t care if a poor conservative gets killed. They might care a little if a rich progressive gets killed, but only if they think there might be a chance it would lead to attacks on rich people in general.
What the fuck do they mean privatization, it’s already fucking private! Did we suddenly get a socialized healthcare system when I wasn’t looking?
Could have saved a lot of time by just saying Trump plans to make one of the worlds worst healthcare systems even worse in whatever way he can. We’re well on track for a healthcare system collapse in the US if Trump actually implements the things he’s said he will. It will make a matched set with the economic collapse he’s also working on.
That’s a great idea, although I still think the drones should be programmed that in the event they lose RX for more than a second or so or if they detect a collision to immediately cut all power to the motors.
The bit that confuses me is how anyone got hit. Drones have this neat ability that if you just stop the propellers they drop like rocks. It’s pretty standard practice to not fly drones directly over people. In a drone show they shouldn’t have really been moving fast enough where horizontal momentum would account for much and in the event of a collision they should have just cut power to the drones. The only way I can figure for this to happen is either a) they didn’t follow basic safety precautions and were flying over the crowd, b) rather than cut power they tried to save the damaged and uncontrollable drones, or c) there was major radio interference and the drones aren’t setup to cut power when they lose signal and/or crash.
Last one is possible if unlikely. Probably won’t know much more till the blackbox analysis is done. I am somewhat reminded of a rather famous crash that was caused by a pilot inviting his buddy who had some flight experience but not in that model of plane into the cockpit and had him do the landing. The buddy screwed up a couple of critical settings and the actual pilot didn’t notice until it was way too late to prevent the crash. Not that I’m suggesting anything similar happened in this case, it was just a very similar style of crash.
Did Jesus exist? I think he probably did
So there’s that, and you also seem really angry that athiests exist, plus this whole thing started because you got mad that someone said Jesus was a made up story. That certainly seems like something a Christian would do, although I suppose muslim is also a possibility. As far as I know they also believe in Jesus, they just also believe in a second guy as well.
While some guy named Jesus might have existed, and might even have tried to start a religion, it’s rather trivially demonstrable that the overwhelming majority of acts attributed to him are at best gross exaggerations if not outright fabrications, so in that sense yes he’s just a story. It still wasn’t really relevant to the original topic though.
And people need to know nobody likes their shitty obnoxious christian redirections. Be mad about it I guess.
No I wouldn’t have, it still would have been entirely off topic (and off topic for like 99% of the content on here). Just because one guy is being a moron doesn’t mean you have to act like a moron as well. I didn’t downvote your last comment because you weren’t entirely wrong, but this one definitely is. A simple “Not the point” to the original guy would have been a far more appropriate response.
What an insufferable way to be.
Well, it’s more just not the appropriate place and kind of missed the point entirely.
No one honestly cares either way
Unfortunately this is very much not the case and that’s a big chunk of the problem. There’s groups out there that really really care (one way or another) and are more than happy to murder you and anyone else who doesn’t all while telling themselves what great people they are.
Honestly I don’t think they could have anything that would do any lasting damage to Trump. He has already shown that he’s above the law and his supporters literally don’t care. What they could threaten him with though is cutting off funding or exposing his actual net worth. Either one of those could really hurt him. All that said I don’t think they even need to go that far, it’s obvious Putin controls Trump and gives him his marching orders, so all it would take is a call from Putin.
People don’t care if it takes 1 term or 10 terms, what they want to hear is that Democrats are working on both short and long term goals to address the problems they care about. They want to hear meaningful changes. What they got is a message that Democrats are hard at work rearranging the deck chairs while the Titanic is sinking. There are many systemic issues in the US right now. The Democrats just needed to fucking pick one, start working on fixing it, and explain to people how they’re working on fixing it.
How about working to get Citizens United overturned? How about actually working on proper socialized healthcare instead of the bandaid that the insurance marketplace was? Working on getting rid of first past the post? Working on creating a federal right to abortion? Coming up with some way to keep the GOP from packing the supreme court with corrupt “judges” who treat the constitution like toilet paper? How about fixing our IP laws to be something sane like cutting copyright to 15 years? Just taxes in general, the 1% tax bracket should be paying 90% in taxes. Make capital gains taxes higher than income tax. These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s dozens more people could come up with.
No, the party doesn’t get to decide that, the voters do. If the DNC could decide that yes it would be a winning strategy, but they can’t.
There are essentially three groups of voters roughly representing a third of the US each.
The first group are the conservatives, they primarily want to prevent things from changing further from their rose tinted vision of the past, and if possible undo “recent” changes. They often have an overly simplistic idealized vision of how things were when they were children they want to recreate. This is of course utterly impossible. They are the core of the Republican party and reliably vote Republican because they believe the lies they’ve been fed their entire life that the Republicans are the only ones holding back Democrats from making the US a communist dictatorship where everyone is required to have a sex change and all the white people will be rounded up and put in concentration camps so illegal immigrants can take their homes and jobs. They are so utterly terrified of this entirely fictional bogeyman that their entire voting decision boils down to “always pick the one with an R next to the name”.
The second group are the progressives, they primarily want to improve social and economic issues. These are the core Democrat supporters, but Democrats have always been the least bad option. They know that our first past the post election system means only the two largest parties are truly viable and right now that means the Republicans and Democrats. These are the main group preventing Democrats from winning because as Democrats have consistently shifted right on social and economic policies they’ve lost more and more of the increasingly disenfranchised voters who look at their options and see literally nobody who represents them.
The third group is basically everybody else. Some of these people are hard core 3rd party supporters like fans of the green party, some are just the entirely apolitical who don’t pay any attention at all to politics or current events outside of the occasional flashy headline or overheard water cooler conversation. Yet others are those that don’t really fall into either the conservative or progressive camps, neither harboring a rose tinted view of the past, nor particularly caring about social or economic issues. Sometimes these people are very dedicated single issue voters. It’s this third group that Trump was able to tap into with his lies and who Harris completely failed to motivate.
Any successful campaign must attract a sizable group from among any combination of these three. Obama for instance won all the progressives and a good chunk of that 3rd group. Trump likewise got all the conservatives and a good chunk of that 3rd group. Harris not only failed to get many of the progressives, but also most of that 3rd group as well.
Republicans have both an advantage and disadvantage in this situation. While each of those groups represents about one third of the nation, conservatives are the smallest of the three by a significant margin. This is offset though by them being very reliable voters (fear is an incredible motivator even when it’s entirely imaginary), and progressives being very fickle in their support. This means without taking that 3rd group into account out of the gate Republicans tend to start with a solid lead. Democrats meanwhile need to rally progressives and a chunk of that 3rd group in order to win.
No they still need Democrat voters. Republicans won because their supporters vote for anyone with an R next to their name no matter what policies they have, so their lies are to convince the gullible morons that don’t really care about the party affiliation, they just want things to be better (and are too stupid to realize Republican policies will do the opposite). Neither parties core supporters are enough to win an election on their own, they need all of them plus some of the independents.
That’s what Trump did, he got all the Republicans plus a chunk of independents. If Democrats tried the same playbook and then didn’t deliver on their promises they would lose the votes of the core Democrat voters and without them the independents aren’t enough to win the election. Republicans are a party of loyalty. The party goes above everything else. Democrats are a party of ideals. If you fail to demonstrate the ideals you lose the votes. That’s why it would ultimately be a losing strategy for the DNC. They’d win a few elections but when it became apparent they’re full of shit the Democrat voters would stop showing up.
Well there’s basically two possible states. Either Luigi didn’t do it in which case the one who actually did is the hero and Luigi is just a proxy for this unknown individual, or he did do it in which case Luigi is the hero. Either way doesn’t really change the sentiment as at the end of the day someone who was actively making the lives of millions of Americans worse and directly contributing to many thousands of preventable deaths was killed. Who actually pulled the trigger is kind of immaterial.