OMG really? How COULD you…
Neglect to offer your valuable opinion. Hey, you’re a human and have valuable things to say. Haters gon hate. Fuck 'em.
Find me on Mastodon too.
OMG really? How COULD you…
Neglect to offer your valuable opinion. Hey, you’re a human and have valuable things to say. Haters gon hate. Fuck 'em.
The hero we need
Small instance owner here. All are welcome. We have one really busy community here, and a few others that are just getting going that you might find interesting. You like World of Warships? The Last of Us? St. Louis Battlehawks? Abandoned Buildings?
You’ll notice some of these communities are a ghost town. Images are broken and there’s a rat eating pizza. So step up. Avoid the large, overwhelmed, weirdly-political instances and give us little guys a chance.
I’ll begin by introducing myself. Hi! I am oleorun, named after the recently deceased Bob Uecker’s Baseball Hall of Fame speech. My instance, https://real.lemmy.fan/, is known for the !weirdnews@real.lemmy.fan community, but we have more to offer. !aviation@real.lemmy.fan , a college radio station, !wsup@real.lemmy.fan , and more communities waiting to be joined, and built, and best of all there’s no ads, no donation requests, just pure love of a federated instance that thrives on niceness.
I’d be real happy for you to join us.
Edit: Typos
That telemetry site, https://iss-mimic.github.io/Mimic/, is amazing.
Let’s back up just a moment - is there an issue you’re trying to diagnose, like bad lag, packet drops, excess ping, etc.?
If not, then don’t worry about the speeds too much unless you feel like you’re being overcharged.
No rush 45 = build an army quick and blindside them
It’s buggy. Submitting a post sometimes takes half a second, and sometimes it takes 30 seconds. Logs show a plethora of errors. The Docker container will eventually crash and restart. It’s all part of the Lemmy instance admin experience.
No options to collapse/customize side panels.
UI doesn’t refresh after saving settings.
Settings aren’t sticky from page to page on occasion.
If I could code I’d pitch in and help. Heck, I’d learn, but the documentation is pretty sparse.
I’m an instance owner and mod. I’ll describe what we see.
Like anyone else, I can check a post or comment and see the upvote and downvote counts. If I click on a specific menu item by a post or comment I can also see who voted which way.
I check it often and to date have only banned two users, out of thousands, who were consistently downvoting posts. These bot accounts were literally voting within seconds of the post going federated.
It’s a useful feature on my end and I think others should be able to see it.
Backblaze is a great backup solution. They publish drive stats and even show you the hardware they use.
Gonna label a cinder block with the presidential seal and paper wings, then throw it at him.