Null User Object

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • The Copycat Theory certainly accounts for a portion of the sightings. Anybody that doesn’t think there are a lot of people with drones that would go flying them during this just to mess with their neighbors is a fool.

    Mass hysteria also certainly accounts for more of the sightings. You only need 1 out of every 600 people to see an airplane/satellite/bright star and think they’re seeing a mysterious object to have over half a million Americans saying they’ve seen one. I’ve personally known several people in my life that would easily fall into this camp. Need I remind anyone about rainbow sprinkler lady?

    As for what got this all started or any current sightings (if there are any, anymore) that don’t fall into the above categories? 🤷

  • Yes. You were complaining about how absolutely awful it is to have to figure out how to choose which Mastodon server to create an account on, because this “federation” thing is soooooo damn complicated to understand.

    Then, it was pointed out to you that choosing an email server is no different. Billions of people around the world have been successfully choosing an email server (and switching to different email servers when appropriate for them, or even having multiple accounts on different email servers).

    The email example is often used against the"FeDeRaTiOn Is ToO cOMpLiCaTeD" complaint because, other than the specific protocol servers use to communicate with each other, they’re no different. You have an account on service A, your grandmother has an account on service B, and all you need to communicate with her is her address… EXACTLY like every ActivityPub federated service. It’s not complicated.

    The person responding to you quite sarcastically pointed how how awful it must have been for you to choose an email server, since you were complaining that this whole “federation” thing is soooooo complicated. And your response was that, in fact, it was very easy for you. You made their point for them and didn’t even realize it.

    Furthermore, you’re having this discussion on Lemmy, a federated service, from your account on one of many federated servers, communicating with people on completely different Lemmy servers all over the world.

    So, to beat a dead horse to a pulp…

    It must have been awful for you to choose which Lemmy server to sign up for. So much unnecessary complication. Simply participating in this discussion on a federated service must be extremely taxing on your cognition. /s/s/s/s/s