It was inevitable that this world happen sooner or later, and I’m glad it’s started since RFK took over rather than before.
It was inevitable that this world happen sooner or later, and I’m glad it’s started since RFK took over rather than before.
I would think very carefully before contacting the police. I am not suggesting that you should provide a safe harbor for people sharing CSAM, or obfuscate their crime. You absolutely should take action, but carefully weigh your options before calling the police.
While it may (possibly!) be true in your jurisdiction that platform operators are not liable for user content, police aren’t on “your side”. Even if you assume the highest standards of professionalism from them, they need to represent the interests of the victims (not you) and need to diligently investigate the crime. That means they need to confirm beyond reasonable doubt that you are not involved beyond operating the host.
Just because you self-disclose does not mean that you are innocent. You could’ve been actively participating and when threatened with blackmail you’ve decided to self-disclose to avert guilt.
Another consideration is what else I have on my server. I’m catch and release for pirate movies and TV these days so there’s only 100gb or so. I do have several hundred pirate audiobooks though. Deleting all that before handing my server over will look very suspicious.
With all of this in mind, the only course of action is to talk to a lawyer. A lawyer will know exactly what laws are relevant, and can guide you through the process of self-disclosure while minimising the imposition on you.
ok so don’t hate me but h001, h002, h003, and so on.
That’s h for host. I also use n to number networks, and k to number physical keys.
I list them all in my keepassxc password database, where I can include any additional information.
With the prevalence of vms, docker containers, and docker networks, there’s just too many things to name. By numbering them I can just side step that whole game.
This is what I was thinking.
Syncthing will be the quickest to set up.
There’s a potential for collisions but that would likely be manageable.
Searx just proxies other engines, so the results are the same as the upstream results.
I’ve never really had a problem with results from any engine TBH.
The main thing I’ve learned over the last few years with Searx is that some instances are terrible while others are great. Some are slow, and often get blocked and take days for the admin to get a new IP or whatever. Right now I’m using perennialte.ch and it’s been great. They also redirect results at reddit to an alternative frontend which is a nice touch.
Yeah I think most of my searches start with the name of the site I want results from.
I was with kagi for a year.
It was fine.
Their CEO is an asshole though. There was that thing where he went a bit nutty over some mild criticism. I don’t remember the details.
Anyhoo. Searx is nice for the moment.
My partner and I had our first children (twins) about a year ago. They’re great.
Before then, I rarely if ever went to this type of store. We don’t have a local Target but we have K-Mart which I think is comparable in Australia.
Honestly I think we’ve done pretty well at buying most of what we need second hand, and then selling it on once it’s no longer required. We also get toys from a local toy library which is amazing.
That said, I’ve sadly become a semi-regular K-Mart shopper because I require some of the cheap plastic junk they sell. A good example is shoes, I can buy a pair of shoes for the kids for less than the cost of a cup of coffee.
The thing is, everything about the store is repulsive. It’s basically a plastic shop. They sell plastic. Even the clothing and shoes is polyester and nylon and plasticised rubber. Also, since we’re here, if I’m really honest about it I would have to assume that the person who made my kids shoes is probably being exploited. That sucks.
Anyhow, I don’t really have a point, just having a whinge and acknowledging that target / kmart is definitely the worst part of having a child.
Not really. The explanation is somewhat complex.
Although target already has the money once a gift card has been purchased, they will not recognise the money as revenue until you use the card.
Suppose my lawn mowing guy charges $50 each time he mows my lawn, and he comes 12 times a year. In January I just transfer him $600 because I don’t want to muck around with smaller payments all the time.
When he calculates his “revenue” for January, should he include the whole $600? It would be more accurate to set aside the $550 he hadn’t really earned yet, and recognise that once he actually does the work.
There’s more geaky accounting stuff I could say, but in summary if you want to send a message to Target management, refrain from using gift cards during the boycott.
Yeah ok so there’s a bit of a back story that I couldn’t be bothered explaining before.
During Covid our premier at that time was from the same centre-left labor party, Mark McGowan. We had an initial 2 week lock down, but thereafter we didn’t have any significant covid infections at all for 18 months or so (I think).
Our premier, McGowan just kept the borders closed and we all just went about our lives with no restrictions. The federal government gave everyone heaps of money (because people in other states actually needed it) and the economy just went nuts. Everyone could afford all the new fancy things. No one could go on overseas holidays so everyone spent all their money at local bars and restaurants and it was just an epic love fest of fun times and good things. I don’t recall the numbers exactly but I think something like 90% of people had 2x vaccinations by the time the borders eventually opened.
Our federal government and other state premiers gave our state premier a lot of shit because keeping the border closed made them look like idiots and it wasn’t great for the Australian economy. Our PM at that time (centre right) made a comment about how it was time for Western Australians to come out of our cave, which ultimately cost him the next federal election. Anyhow, by the time of the last state election Western Australian’s were lovingly referring to McGowan as “state daddy” because it was nice to have a rep telling everyone else to fuck off because we’re safe in our space thanks very much.
That’s why the Labor party won that last election 3 years ago with a bonkers majority. I will always vote Labor but even I can acknowledge that having such a huge majority doesn’t really support a healthy democracy.
Anyhow, McGowan resigned on good terms and stepped aside for our current Premier. He’s not state daddy but he’s cut from the same cloth IMO.
Sorry I don’t get the joke.
The point of LMGTFY is to obnoxiously remind someone
Nah, I’m pretty sure the point of LMGTFY is to identify yourself as an obnoxious asshole.
If you couldn’t be bothered providing a link then you could’ve just not responded.
It would’ve been easy enough to just link whatever you were looking at.
Instead you went out of your way to make the person asking feel silly.
Searx can provide a much better experience.
For example, on the instance I’m using if a search result is a Google thread, the link will direct you to a redlib reddit proxy.
Surely it has to be the paid APIs. You can’t build a service hoping Google won’t notice your bots running searches.
Hmm. You realise we’re talking about Australia right? We have some of the best universal healthcare, and social security in the world.
Additives like fluoride in water, iodine in salt, and folic acid in flour disproportionately benefit people with lower incomes because in many cases their nutrition and other health care is not great due to lifestyle preferences, or co-morbidities that are resistant to health interventions like substance abuse or mental illness or cultural norms.
Another problem in Australia is low population density. A small town might be several hundred kilometers from the nearest dentist. If everyone in that place agrees to fluoridate the water, where’s the harm in that ?
We do have government funded free dental services, although I admit the wait times can be considerable.
For context, this guy is the current state premier, similar to a US state governor I guess.
He is from our Labor party which is centre-left. In the last election the Labor party won 53 out of 59 seats. His party had overwhelming support at that time.
Of course the pendulum will swing back to the right at the upcoming election on Saturday, but I don’t think it will swing far enough for the conservatives to form government.
In the article it was pretty much a non-apology made when journalists pressed him on it later.
Isn’t this more or less what T-bag said he would do?
This is just nuts.
Why don’t they use a ouija board?