Awww poor billionaires. So sad.
Just as planned.
I thought it was technically a crime, as is wearing it as clothes and dumb shit like that.
Not that I care, fuck the flag, but still… i thought they had laws about that.
Where’s the twist? This is a dumb headline.
Turns out some people can only be pushed so far before they resort to violence.
Well said.
Don’t play then. Easy.
Might be time for you both to grow up and move on then.
This post was completely pointless.
Wow. Looked at you comment history and you are not well liked. Later gator.
Wezterm is my go to
Sometimes older, tried and true packages is what you want in prod.
Drives me nuts but so does debugging issues because someone ran yum install on some unsupported package
Oh I meant “piracy” friendly. Drop books into calibre, plug kobo into laptop, sync calibre to kobo. Boom, 1000 books loaded up and ready to go.
That said: it’s also very privacy friendly for me, because I’ve literally never connected it to WiFi or any kind of network.
My daily driver for reading is the Apple Books app on my phone, which syncs to my iCloud Drive containing my calibre library as well. But my kobo is the bomb for travel.
Kobo , hands down.
Factorio. I think I’m 300 or so hours into the new expansion save, and 4000h total playtime.
Well if I wasn’t voting for her already I sure am now.
I want to see his head mounted on a spike.
I like and support Kagi. Whatever.
Holy shit dude that is impressive.
1.16 for gas? What year and/or alternate dimension is this