…trinitrons are curved, just two-dimensionally…
…trinitrons are curved, just two-dimensionally…
…if you’re into paper books (and a hefty table) the DK complete world atlas includes a lot of geographic information, or if you prefer a dryer, more-authoritative presentation, the times world atlas is the grandaddy of the format…
…it looks like DK also offers a digital version of their previous editon…
(i have the millenium editions of both atlases, and they’re both fantastic tomes, but i think the DK complete atlas is more of what you’re looking for)
…is there a good version of pilotwings64 available anywhere other than native hardware?..
…that’s okay; in star citizen the vapid simulator download service is called electronic access…
…good call, that camry gets infinite FPS at infinite resolution and dynamic range; enjoy!..
…in my experience, polyester teabags never really took off stateside: it’s only imported british mass-market teas which did the fused-pyramidal-bag thing as a product differentiator…stateside,i occasionally see boutique teas with fused polyester bags + strings, but i expect they’ll change in short order based upon this controversy…
…if your tea uses folded-paper bags stapled or tied-off with cotton string, you’re safe…
…their first-generation cards were poorly received, but intel kept at it and recently achieved parity with low-end offerings from ATI and nvidia as a respectable selection for a budget machine…
…if they stay committed to the effort, i think intel might stand toe-to-toe on midrange cards within a generation or two…
…trump’s trivially manipulated: the next four years are china’s best shot and they know it…
…NCSA mosaic won the web, absolutely; in truth i think it gave a lot of us an excuse to upgrade from terminals and shell accounts…
…i remember going to our computer lab in the early nineties and seeing a flyer about this new protocol called the world wide web, thinking to myself in what way is that better than gopher?..
…my experience before ‘high-efficiency incandescent’ halogens was the same: i have thirty-year-old proper halogen lamps either still going strong or which have been replaced only once over that period…these little A19 halogens, though, have an such absurdly-short duty cycle that they’re viable only by virtue of stocking up dozens of cases for pennies on the dollar when they were phased out a couple of years ago…
…i do hope that we have respectable consumer bulbs available in perhaps five years after those few hundred halogen bulbs are gone, but i’m not optimistic as poor spectra appear inherent to LED technology and the market seems to have settled on ‘good-enough’…proper incandescent bulbs are of course still available for specialty applications, but they’re not easy to get…
…the contractor-grade FEIT incandescents installed when we built our house enjoyed a MTBF of about five years; the FEIT halogens (‘high-efficiency incandescent’) i stocked up to replace them after traditional incandescents phased out are on the order of six months MTBF…
…while i question whether the manufacturing and distribution of ten fourty-watt halogen bulbs really emits less carbon than one sixty-watt incandescent running for the same duration, at least the spectra are unchanged: i’ve yet to find any LEDs which offer acceptable black-body spectra and i specify the things professionally…
…i should clarify: upgrades from windows 7/8 were free…
…windows 10 was free to a lot of people; it’s a pretty solid OS and i’d be happy to pay a fair price for ongoing support…
…that’s the POWER model: the unit posted above is the consumer version with the SX chip, no math coprocessor and fewer function keys…
…well he’s not…
…what about amber displays?..our VT-200 terminals were green, yes, but our lab full of packard-bells were amber…
(or my applecolor monitor 100 which could toggle between monochrome green and full color modes)
…i’ve done a buck fourty-five in my convertible with the top down: it’s LOUD…at one fifty-five, pushing with all two hundred horsepower, my car can’t make any further headway against the wind and buildings are a lot less aerodynamically efficient…
…i’ve ridden out a half-dozen hurricanes but category fives are get-out-of-town devastating…
…yeah, buck-forty-five isn’t even gentlemen’s-agreement v-max…
…trump’s an imbecile, but some clever folks are spoon-feeding their asset…