Nar its lagging now. Ps Can only see this cos im on a .world alt
Nar its lagging now. Ps Can only see this cos im on a .world alt
They still got the death sentence for a reason
Ive already go that in my video feed tubular juat slips it in next to my yt vids.
Well peertube is struggling already so thats a valid question. Idk if they using peertube style bitorrent video delivery that might help offload the cost a little.
And i thought my ping was bad.
Its not big tech unless they are abusing a monopoly.
I wrote a script to generate seed phrases and look up if that derived into a key with any value. Then did the maths on how impossible that is and decided to stop.
Ask ur leaders not to house terrorists might be a good start.
Does this look like rehabilition and reeducation to you:
I mean china is already sending them to concentration camps doeant get much worse than that. But it seems nobody cares.
Yeah but u cant see this comment from my .ee account