I don think you’d have to become part of Canada to join the Commonwealth so maybe there’s a chance?
I don think you’d have to become part of Canada to join the Commonwealth so maybe there’s a chance?
Well don’t leave us hanging, what was the headset?
And what exactly have leftists become and what do they hate?
I like Billy Crystal.
But he will be fine.
This isn’t really a tragedy worthy of sympathy.
For one brief moment, at least we got Skyrim (even though it was a buggy mess on release)
What’s next for that absolute cesspool?
Looking forward to the next pandemic where vaccines aren’t even developed because the Facebook rabble demands politicians provide us all with crystals and horoscopes instead.
You’re literally having sex with someone who likes dick.
Yuck not Sam Hyde. He is not a good person.
They said, in a thread that has literally tens of thousands of words in replies.
There’s a lot of things criminals can get away with but if you kill a young pretty white girl, it doesn’t matter who you are, you’re going to prison for a long fucking time.
Tell me again how white privilege doesn’t exist.
Sherman should have finished the job.
His weakness was sympathising with southerners.
And a thousand free speech absolutists cried out ‘but now the Nazis won’t be publicly known!!!’
Nothing good has ever come from public gatherings of Nazis.
Cat 5 don’t fuck around.
Good luck Florida.
Wow I’m feeling sorry for you my dude. You’re correct and everyone is too dense to read the article…infuriating.
I lol’ed at that pic as well…
The night of broken glass is literally their guide book.
Why would this be surprising to anyone…
No sane individual is going to pay for a subscription for phone backgrounds.
That is absolutely a stupid business idea and the people who came up with it should be publicly shamed.
Mark Zuckerberg is a whiny piss baby.