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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Ended up dropping for good toward the end of beyond light, my partner and I primarily pvped (just for fun, wasn’t super into ranked honestly) and was feeling really stale, was getting tired of only control (easily my least favourite gamemode) for 6s and only elim or showdown for 3s got dry, missed a variety of game modes (and personally liked 4s). It sucked because destiny had really fun PvP and amazing guns, hand cannons will be the iconic weapons to me, rolled with a chaperone/hc combo or hc/fusion rifle since house of wolves, they got bows right too, the lemonarque was fantastic.

  • In an alternate universe, one can imagine there’s a Tory leader who’s spoken of the same way and has made them unpalatable.

    Harper’s mine but that’s when I actually could vote so I’m biased. Maybe Diefenbaker? Know some people who romanticise the avro arrow who dislike him for canning it and blame it for brain drain.

  • Debian and derived is my go up generally, stable and I like apt, great out of the box on every machine I’ve used and personally found pretty much everything I want to use or run has debian and Ubuntu explicitly called out in their setup documentation. I use Ubuntu server a lot for work, I’m comfortable with it and it’s supported in every cloud environment I’ve touched. Debian on my laptop, bench machine, armbian on my 3d printers, Ubuntu server on my home server (though I kinda want to move that to debian too, just lazy and it works)

    I’ve got arch on my desktop, could have probably gone for debian unstable, but figured I’d go for it. I use aura for package management. Linux is linux though, be real that I personally don’t find much of a difference beyond package management.

  • PCPO got a majority with 40% of the votes, with a 43.5% turnout, that’s something like 17.4% of all eligible voters. I’ve seen people say that oh Horwath was uninspiring etc etc, their (the NDP) platform sounded pretty good to me and again, you vote for your local rep in our system, not the party leader (unless you lived in Horwath’s riding).

    Be real, I don’t personally care about how inspiring a politician is, I’d rather they have a good platform and hold people accountable.