I’ve been saying, “Computer: End program” for a while now. Hasn’t worked yet, but you never know…
Then the “out” press pool can just make stuff up, since they have to guess. “Donald Trump walked out of the bathroom and into a press briefing one hour ago. While we don’t know what the press briefing is about, we can state that before going to the bathroom Trump was seen finishing a cheeseburger. Walking out, he was seen licking his fingers. Our reporter notes that there was no sound of running water prior to Trump’s emergence from the bathroom.”
We ordered the one that infects “red hat”, not “fed bat”. Blame a bad connection, but we’re not paying for this Congo Labs. Try again. (Edit: forgot /s)
So each fired employee saves, let’s say, $75,000. Then each sues the government and wins a $250,000 settlement, and gets their job back. Of course the government spends $300,000 on lawyers for each case. The savings practically leap into our pockets!
Note to self: Do NOT eat bats. Even if Mom says, “We’re having bat tonight”.
All those lights and dials and displays in the cockpit take the pilot’s attention off of flying. Don’t need 'em.
John 14:13
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
And take the new FBI director, I hear he likes plane rides.
I don’t think so. The ones getting culled are exactly the unquestioning, obedient, simple types they want to keep.
I see your point about generating work, but name changes happen - German shepherd dogs becoming “Alsatians” during WW2, Mt. McKinley, a bunch of things in the US. But if it’s going to be changed, let’s not make it what Trump wants. He probably can’t even find it on a map anyway.
Y’know, this wouldn’t be so bad if it were renamed, “Gulf of the Americas” - eg, North America and South America. Added bonus: It’s not what Trump wanted so he’ll be pissed.
I don’t believe it 'til I hear it from the First Lady himself. What does Don say?
God damn, every time I think this douche can’t get any worse… There’s no bottom (well, to be fair Trump is his bottom}
“Black Sunday is a 1975 novel by American writer Thomas Harris…”
Hope not, though. Too many innocents.
I wonder if it would make more sense for people to make appointments at their nearest firing range, for basic firearm safety training. Just, you know, in case a burglar burgles a home or something. If the government saw that 10,000 people went for training this weekend, they’d feel better about our safety. And more could join in next weekend.
Coupled with the weather Florida has been having, “oranges from the United States” will probably no longer be a thing. They waited until Anita Bryant died. Coincidence? I think not. /s
Citizens: “Sure, but where is Trump going to get a Gestapo?”
Bove: “Halte mein Bier”
Another shocking development from the Lobster Mobster.
I wonder how much TikTok is paying him donating to his presidential fund?
Not only the people in occupied Ukraine, but also the occupiers. That oughta nail down the outcome.