So you agree with me?
but they definitely maintain it
For whom? Who really wins when the fascists leave power? The very same class of people who funded them into power in the first place, perhaps? How are the descendents of the capitalists who funded Nazi Germany and Showa Japan doing these days? How are the corporations doing that coined it during the Pinochet-regime in Chile or the Apartheid-regime in South Africa?
That is perfectly black and white.
But (true) liberalism is not fascism
At what point was liberalism not colonialist? At what point was it not capitalist? Liberalism created the systems of wealth accumulation and labour exploitation that keeps the (so-called) “1st world” rich… so who do you think they keep around to protect all of this from the people all this wealth and labour was stolen from?
I consider liberalism closer to anarchism
Then you understand neither.
I don’t think we ever had “real” communism,
No argument here.
So not the liberals (and the capitalists that they truly represent) who can get down to “business as usual” after the fascists brutally repressed the working class for them, eh?
No, it isn’t.
Gustav Krupp, Wilhelm von Opel, Albert Vögler - oh-so-liberal Weimar Germany’s richest and most “respectable.” Would you qualify them as chickens or eggs?
Do you think that Elon will be hurt much if they fine him a measly 15% of his assets, like they did with Hitler-benefactor Fritz Thyssen?
Liberalism’s aim is the freedom of the capitalist, and the indentured servitude of everyone else.