I’m starting to think they’re not
I’m starting to think they’re not
This is the corporation that got one of the two main contracts to create the electric mail carriers
I can’t say watching red wisconsin counties get fucked hard by Trump doing the thing everyone expected him to do isn’t satisfying
Depends on the type of dev you’re doing.
Homebrew. Through homebrew: vscode,iterm2, Firefox, virtual box and/or vmware fusion, colima + docker, vagrant, pyenv, jenv, direnv, nodenv, bash, zsh + oh-my-zsh +powerlevel10k, tmux+byobu, coreutils
I’m sure I’m missing a bunch
Matt Gaetz b like rubbingHandsTogether.gif
By eating magic pills :D
That’s kind of hilarious :D
Unironically, this makes me pine for the old days where usenet discussions were lively.
…or following people and interests you want to follow and keeping up with their updates.
ffs stop gatekeeping social media
Twitter has 106 million users in USA.
Prove it
So in confused. Do I need to install thunderbird or…?
Depends on the source country of the video
Indian hotties?
DevOps guy here mostly working at scale in AWS. Learning docker should be priority 1 alongside learning Linux basics. Ansible should be second IF the plan is launching docker containers on a VM as opposed to a server less option (example: AWS Fargate)
Going on Twitter to complain that your bigotry wasn’t well received and then suggesting that Qatar funding is partially to blame is peak irony
Uplifting News
Couldn’t have been accomplished without democrats