I have to say if I was one of the Pacific nations and I had to choose between China and Trump Gaza, I’d be looking quite seriously at China.
I have to say if I was one of the Pacific nations and I had to choose between China and Trump Gaza, I’d be looking quite seriously at China.
Our work is the opposite. As soon as a new machine arrives we go straight to BIOS at boot, switch the settings and install Linux immediately. Windows never sees the light of day. I do feel for you as we do do sales calls and in the middle of sales calls the people that we are calling have their computers reboot on them, do an update, or I’ve just got to restart and on restart it does an update and huge amounts of time are wasted on those people.
Windows probably costs the world millions a day in wasted, for time for shit like that.
Mystery solved. Thank you
I spent about two years trying and giving up to get my fingerprint reader working on my X1 Carbon.
Then chat gpt comes out and I ask that how to do it.
It gives me a one-line bash / script thingy, and my fingerprint reader has worked ever since.
That was a pretty cool day.
this is a gen6 e14. Thank you. That’s what I needed to hear. Turns out the intel has a bit more to it, will udpate my post. So undecided
Definitely. My response was probably a little glib.
Tools like this, that help people escape locked down systems are worth their weight in gold.
Just get a Kobo. Don’t support Amazon surveillance
Got a retroid pocket 5.
Wish I’d done it years ago. Never had more accessible gaming.
And not just retro titles. Stardew Valley, modern metroidvanias, etc are amazing on it.
Definitely. I’ve written some small games. Gave them away free on the play store.
Lasted about 3 years tops before they were removed for not supporting X, Y and Z new features.
Shame. One of them had tens of thousands of downloads.
Tomb raider in 2d metrodivania would be cool.
Same with maybe Doom?
All our business uses. Libreoffice is great
Awesome. I’ve been looking for a web svg animation tool
It’s not shocking, when you consider the level of graphical fidelity they’ll be pushing on screen.
The more detail you add, the lower the framerate, on any given hardware. They will be balancing “oh my God!” level graphics, with playable frame rates. The fact they’re shooting for such a relatively low frame rate, shows how hard they’re pushing the hardware.
I want that image on a shirt
Oh, hell no. We are absolutely tiny.
It’s very much a trust-based situation as we all work together and in a small team.
I would actually love to know how to handle remote shutdown of PCs and lock out and things like that, for as we do grow, we are getting busier, and starting to expand.