Not a news site, not the article, and it’s inviting you to download code from a Russian site. What could possibly go wrong?
Not a news site, not the article, and it’s inviting you to download code from a Russian site. What could possibly go wrong?
Is the right to state facts not a thing anymore? I thought speech was in the Constitution or something.
Why are people able to be socially compelled? Alas.
There’s an “agrihood” in Cumming, Iowa.
I would’ve bought something if something had caught my eye, but I just don’t need anything…
You go, dawg. Good for you!
Oxford chooses “brain rot”, a phrase referring to social media, therefore ensuring they trend on social media.
I wonder what they’ll do with the old ones? Government auction site maybe?
I suppose that is a possibility.
It reminds me of Jim Bell.
Prime rib is good! I’d do that.
I don’t know the reasoning either. It seems like petty spite.
House Speaker Johnson remembers.
Yeah, I debated whether to post it or not. = )
I’d listen to these frogs any day.
We learn new things all the time.
I love that movie.
This zoologist guy says even if it becomes safe for humans, we should just keep it off limits to humanity anyway, because nature.
They’re a bunch of fucking monkeys, jumping around like savages, scratching their armpits, and throwing shit at the walls. I don’t want to live in a world where people so entirely lack a moral compass that they can cheer on murder as an outlet for their anger.