What a cunt
Nothing to see here
What a cunt
Englishman here. I can only apologise for the sheer stupidity of my fellow countrymen. Brexit was such an own fucking goal and the morons will never admit it. If Cameron really had to put it to a vote he could have required a super-majority on account of how economically devastating leaving would be. But no, a slim majority is good enough to fuck over us all for generations to come.
And Trump. Good god. The country that sells itself as a beacon of democracy has happily voted in a crook. Someone who fomented an insurrection attempt, hid top secret documents in his shower while foreign agents roamed freely around and lied about it! Like, actual treason. But I’m not sure what’s worse, the orange shit head or the people and system that not only have allowed him to get away with it all but have actually fucking promoted it. Fucking depressing.
Like consent even comes into it
The fines are no doubt cheaper than actually doing something about it. Plus if they do something and are even moderately successful then he’d have less of an excuse for doing nothing about Russian disinformation and other bullshit.
Surely this is self defeating? Everyone seeing these insane price increases will scare off any potential new customers and drive away the customers they do have. Sure it might increase revenue in the short term but ultimately it’ll kill the product. Or is that the point? Make as much money as they can with as little effort as possible and then let it die?
Beautiful. For some reason I feel she’s too pretty for porn. As if being too attractive is a thing.
If I was American I’d be so embarrassed