Oh well.
Look, I have no problem with people worshiping God or Allah or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This world is hard enough, if that helps them navigate it, GREAT.
Where I do have a problem is the hypocrisy. Christians beat us over the head with their bible, claiming they’re the ones being oppressed, then they vote for a guy that’s been divorced three times and cheated on his pregnant wife with a prostitute. The bible says we should help the needy, but these “Christians” support cutting programs that do just that. They worship the prosperity gospel, which is the opposite of what the bible actually says. The bible says, “Love thy neighbor” but many Christians seem to have added, “…unless he’s gay, Muslim, or not white.” I’m a cyclist, and I firmly believe that some drivers would happily run me off the road on their way to Sunday mass.
They go to church every Sunday and proclaim themselves “good Christians”, but then treat everyone else like shit the other 6 days and 23 hours. If my Catholic education was correct, God cares more about your behavior during that time you’re NOT in church. Maybe they’ll get theirs in hell, but they’re making life shit here on earth for everyone else.
I know, it’s not all Christians. Unfortunately the 90% that are doing these things are ruining the reputation of the rest.
Interesting concept. I have a script that uses long term tokens and curl to tell HA to turn on certain things I need before running a certain game, then turns them back off afterward. Presumably this could take the place of that script.
It’s an interesting idea, I wonder what other ideas people will have once it’s working.
I just wish I could get my script to disable the screensaver in KDE. I have the command that should do it, and it’s changing the right setting (ie, changing the same setting manually in the gui works correctly), but it seems like KDE isn’t aware of the config change, and the things I’ve tried to get KDE to reload that config aren’t working. No error, but the screen saver stays active.