It seems they saw that one episode of X-Files with the mom under the counter and are aiming towards it…
It seems they saw that one episode of X-Files with the mom under the counter and are aiming towards it…
Locations yes, but the actual construction isn’t public knowledge. Some are better covered than others
You can have both, like MacBooks do
But you do need to pay for a Vendor ID, you can’t just YOLO it?
Just check how much money GTA online has made for Rockstar every year. It’s an 11 year old game that makes half a BILLION dollars yearly.
No wonder they’re not in a hurry to get GTA 6 out. It MUST be better than GTA online both for gameplay and microtransactions as well as have the tech for live service
So you can just pop that folder on any computer and run it, without installing Steam and without a Steam account?
Why are Palestinian leaders ignoring Ukrainian lives? Why aren’t they condemning Russias attack?
GoG Vault would disagree with you on that.
You can download the full installers and keep them, nobody can take them away or disable it remotely
LTT did the same experiment. The stupid O-faces just work
The difference here was that STUK (the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear safety org) isn’t a backwater shop like the French kinda assumed. It’s a world-class setup that consults around the world.
They caught so many mistakes that the project went ridiculously over time and budget. The French crew had kids born and go to school in Finland before it was over - it was supposed to be a few years of expat experience 😆
Olkiluoto unit 3 took 18 years:
It’s the same French EPR tech and the whole project was plagued with mistakes because the French wanted to cut corners and just get it built as fast as possible.
At worst he’ll get a paid vacation
Startups like this aren’t known for their robust infrastructure design.
It’s most likely running on some weird unicorn setups no-one has bothered to document.
Yes they did, not owning the game was FOMO, and they weren’t free at the time.
In-app purchases and limited time game passes are hardly heroin
Nobody is forcing people to buy anything, you CAN resist.
If you’re too weak to resist FOMO, maybe stay off the internet
There is also video evidence of this
Hope the kitchen staff forgets to wash their hands
Imagine being an openly gay CEO who funds a party who hates gays