It’s not irrational it just has more to do with corporate real estate and control than productivity or employee satisfaction. Large companies don’t do anything solely for the benefit of their employees.
It’s not irrational it just has more to do with corporate real estate and control than productivity or employee satisfaction. Large companies don’t do anything solely for the benefit of their employees.
I haven’t played most of the popular games released this year but I know they’re not any good
– this guy
If a server gets enough boosts they can add largely useless extra stuff like more custom stickers and emojis. There’s a few legit benefits like higher quality audio / video and being able to create a custom server invite link but it’s mostly fluff.
There’s really no limit to using this kind of logic in this manner. They’ve been conditioned to accept any reasoning as long as it’s presented as anti-woke or along those lines. If Trump said exactly what you did Republicans would be lining up to abolish the private prison system the next day.
He should have vetoed it just for the lulz
Most technology is magic to the average person. It doesn’t take much to sound like an expert.
Non-voters don’t matter as far as the political system we’re discussing is concerned so why do we spend so much time talking about them? How many of them there are and the reasons they don’t vote are both entirely irrelevant.
Yeah you definitely couldn’t live without a specific VR headset.
I’d bet you would like more action on climate change too and yet the world cares not.
Pretty obvious indicator of where our collective priorities are, isn’t it?
Bernie’s Medicare For All plan has been out there close to a decade now and I would argue that proposal is a huge part of his popularity. Democrats knew that and they told him, and by extension his supporters, to go fuck themselves. They know people want this but they don’t care.
Inflation soared above 9% in 2022 as a result of supply chain problems related to the coronavirus pandemic and strong consumer demand that had been buttressed by stimulus checks and other relief policies both Trump and President Joe Biden championed.
Jesus Christ we’re still blaming stimulus checks for inflation. Most people couldn’t pay more than a months rent at most with the stimulus they received and yet we’re supposed to believe that was a huge factor driving prices up? Saying stupid shit like this is exactly as bad as Trump’s ridiculous tariff proposals but because it’s not a Republican saying it we’re just supposed to accept it as gospel. Eat my ass HuffPo
Put health insurance executives in the ring and I’m on board.
You shut your dirty whorish mouth. Luigi was at my house playing Wii sports the whole time.
But… a lot of his social media history (which is not impossible to fake but…) kind of suggests he was very mentally unwell.
What are you referring to here? I’m not scouring the internet for all the information I can find but everything I’ve seen so far paints the picture of a perfectly sane person who was fed up with a broken system. I see similar sentiments all over the internet literally every day.
Maybe not in the technical sense, but if the jury is on board they could absolutely use that as justification to implement jury nullification of a guilty verdict.
Don’t get carried away. A nibble, not even a whole bite, has been taken. Whether we have acquired the taste for it remains to be seen.
48 hours is only for regular cases with one or two cops assigned. High profile stuff like this gets considerably more attention and resources for a longer period of time
The only way that could possibly happen is if Trump thought he would get all their stuff afterwards
I don’t think that’s true, at least not to the degree that he expected to win outright. I watched his speech on the night of the election and he seemed legitimately shocked that he won. I think those people were put in place for the court cases he was planning for after he lost.