eunuch temple priestess

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2023


  • My shortlist is probably WipEout Pulse (I love how that entire series feels like a game made out of electronic music, the same way Doom is made out of metal), WipEout 2048 (for the same reason, but I played it even more), Forza Motorsport 2 (cuz it had a huge influence on my taste at a very young age), and then maybe Gran Turismo 5?

  • I think it’s very interesting to note that mainstream consoles like the Switch or PS5 have massive ad campaigns behind them, expensive television spots, and a constant churn of new exclusives that they’re using to keep themselves in the conversation. The Steam Deck certainly had an ad campaign, but it feels impressive to me that they managed to make those numbers happen mostly just through throwing up an announcement on the Steam front page and then having it review well once it found its way into critics’ hands.

  • It certainly has launched in a poor state with missing features, especially baseline things like hotkeys, game settings, etc. But I can tell that even with what I’ve played so far it clearly has some brilliant gameplay changes under the hood that could propel it to being one of the most mechanically polished Civ games in the series after a year or two of updates and expansions.

    I love the eras system for providing a clear chunking of gameplay time as you go through it instead of one massive and unwieldy playthrough. I love the addition of army commanders and the removal of builders. There’s so many small tweaks to things that make them finally feel like the ideal version of each gameplay system to me; things function in the way that I think I imagined them functioning when I first played Civ IV all those years ago.

    But again, they should be well criticized for the state of the launch, and 2K’s greed with regards to the clear plans to sell more leaders and civs as DLC.

  • Damn this thread really makes me feel like a minority, but I prefer GNOME! It comes useful out of the box, sane defaults, easy to extend without ripping out the soul of how it functions. Best of all it has a new and interesting direction for the desktop UI rather than just copying Windows. It has some original ideas that really serve it well.