Wire has calling voice and video calling.
Wire has calling voice and video calling.
Yes. There is a firefox extension called Chameleon that does this.
I sure hope so.
I don’t disagree with you. People assumed I was against this but I was highlighting the fact that Russia is going to be more aggressive as Ukraine gets closer to being part of NATO.
This is going to piss off Russia something awful and escalate tensions big time.
Alphabet and Meta might be at that point soon, with the way things are going.
I would have bought it but there was no physical release until later when Limited Run games did a limited run of the game at their premium price point. And by the time I knew Limited Run was doing a release, it was too late to get one.
Until I can do the following:
– legally resell a digital copy of a game I bought,
– be able to easily and legally backup and restore the digital games I’ve bought,
– have legal guarantees that the digital games I bought won’t be taken away from me,
my reasons for wanting physical copies are more than valid.
I have two that are constantly hooked up to my mac! One for ripping and burning CDs and DVDs (which I still do regularly, in fact I ripped five audio CDs just today) and one for ripping/burning 4k/blu-ray. I occasionally use both at the same time to make copies of discs, but my need for that is for part of a hobby project.
Also the timeline usually matters. Mod methods can change as game patches are released. Mods can have mod patches. Mods can be deprecated for new mods or mod methods. Mods can have other dependencies. Install order sometimes matters.
I think OP is right; mods can be messy, complicated, and a lot of work.
What incentivizes you to pay money for early access games? Wouldn’t you rather wait until it’s done and have a better experience?
Do I pay full price for games before they are available to play and are most likely not going to be finished upon release? No.
Preordering anything with no real or artificial scarcity doesn’t really make financial sense. It’s a predatory sales tactic to get people to part with their money sooner, in this case before customers have a chance to use software that is pretty much unreturnable. Gaming publishers love digital preorders because some customers end up paying full price for games they don’t even like and can’t even resell.
Sadly, for at least the last ten years or more, most non-online games are best played a few years after release date when they’ve had their bugs fixed or their ‘complete edition’ released.
If they had critical thinking skills, we wouldn’t have Trump as president.
I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. Labor laws in China are shit. A ton of people there work way more than 40 hours a week for less money than US Americans get, live on company “campuses”, and have suicide nets.
Yep. Late-stage capitalism incentivizes and rewards unethical behavior.
Not that I know of. Unless someone has stated their gender or pronouns, I just use people’s names and avoid anything that assumes or implies gender.
Ohh that makes sense!
Now that I am looking at it again, I wonder if those buttons you circled are actually little plungers that push the joycon away from the body to help release it.
Edit: Whatever way they attach, I hope the new joycons don’t loosen and flex like some of the current joycons do. Some of my joycons have “wobble” when attached and it makes me sad.
Repeal the DMCA. One of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed.
Do you think sucking dick is a bad thing?