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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024

  • They want to leave the euro and go back to the deutsche Mark. They also want to dismantle the EU and instead build a “Europe of Motherlands” where the Nations have more control again.

    I’m not sure what musk sees as the benefit here. Maybe it really is the “chaos is a ladder” kind of thinking. But maybe it’s just also the “anti-woke” stance he finds appealing without him having any other knowledge of the German parties system

  • I think the real problem is that most parties in Germany that held some power in the last decades did little to nothing to actually improve the economic situation of the “normal” people. For many it stayed the same, for many others it declined significantly starting with Corona and then with the energy crisis that contributed heavily to the inflation.

    Paired with us being one of the few nations that raise no taxes at all on wealth but just on income the disparity between the rich and the poor is growing. So people have only the parties that haven’t held power yet to turn to.

    I think it’s at least partially some weird form of misplaced hope that something will change for the better in the chaos that would be a AfD government.

    But you are correct, supporting the AfD is directly benefiting Nazis. And while I don’t think that all AfD supporters will always be Nazis, they currently are.

  • Yes the workers are generally poorer than the investors. But that’s not the point here, the point is that it’s in its essence an unfair system where you are forced to work for someone else’s profit unless you are wealthy enough to yourself be an investor that can live from their investments returns.

    Getting monetary benefits should come from work and not ownership.

    Again, this isn’t really about low or high wages it’s about the extraction of money from the workers towards owners without any work being done by the owners.

    The common image people conjure to justify this are the small shops built by someone and then being employing some staff. You must realize though that that isn’t the biggest chunk of wealth and not the really problematic part of the system.

    The biggest chunk of wealth is concentrated on a few percent of the population and it’s mostly inherited not built up by themselves. And it’s here where we actually see wealth being extracted from the workers.

  • Ok you’ll have to explain how exactly that’s the German greens fault. They were not in power when the decision fell to stop relying on nuclear power. Even if they really wanted to there are no plants that are operational right now. We’d need to renovate old ones for a lot of money or build new ones for even more money.

    Additionally the specialized workforce needed to operate these plants isn’t available. We stopped training new people for obvious reasons and it’s not like we currently have a lot of skilled people in unemployment that could be recruited on short notice.

    And again, nothing of that has been implemented by the greens. This is the result of conservatives being in power.

  • I think that is a bit disingenuous. They apparently asked for passports to find Israelis not just any Jews. As deplorable as this still is, it’s different from “any Jews”.

    Also: If russian hools started to openly endorse the war against Ukraine in a region where a lot of Ukrainian refugees are located I would absolutely advise caution for every russian visitor in that region no matter their stance and especially if they want to express their fandom to the same football team as those hools.