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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • Meh. TechDirt is great for privacy stuff, but market analysis isn’t their wheelhouse.

    I think Vision Pro pretty much accomplished what Apple wanted from it.

    Tech press kept comparing it to “the iPhone moment”, but that’s ridiculous. It’s a dev kit.

    A dev kit with the best hardware, at a lower price than the second-best, and a more mature OS than anything else out there.

    We’ll have to see how it evolves from here, but it’s a perfectly fine first step. Not everything is for you.

  • They were called The Order, and I misremembered their constituency: more neo-nazi than KKK, although one of their goals was to be a bridge between the two groups.

    Apparently they made a movie about them recently, of the same name, so I’m finding it hard to search for info about the group itself, but I recall hearing the computer-buying tidbit from Behind The Bastards and being able to find a source for it online.

    In case you wanna continue the hunt: I believe it had a sepia-tone picture or illustration at the top of the article and it was a long-form story not a current event piece. I also recall they were specifically Apple II computers, but searching podcast transcripts for the word “apple” yields a flood of results for “apple podcasts”, so not much help there.

    This tool seemed promising, but didn’t quite get me there: https://podscripts.co/podcasts/behind-the-bastards/

    Wikipedia can at least corroborate the armored car bit:

    Their later robberies were more effective, including a bank robbery, followed by a series of three armored car robberies. In the armored car robberies, they took a total of $4.1 million, including their final armored car robbery near UkiahCalifornia that netted them $3.8 million.


    Edit: Part of the problem with the podscripts approach may be that the transcripts are far from perfect:

    Beam admitted that he had set up computer billet and boards for different fascist groups around the country,but denied that these boards were used for any illicit communication.

    “Billet and boards” instead of “bulletin boards”

    Edit 2: Ooh, I think I posted the source on Reddit at one point, and I haven’t scorched-earth’d my comments. I wasn’t able to find it doing site:reddit.com “kibiz0r” armored trucks but you might find it that way if you experiment a bit.

  • H5N1 is absolutely horrible in cats. If you have raw milk in the house, even if you plan to boil it yourself, please treat it like concentrated poison and make sure there’s no way for a pet to get to it.

    Symptoms of H5N1 infection in cats include labored breathing, bloody diarrhea and neurological abnormalities — loss of motor control, seizures, depressed mental state, stiff body movements, blindness, circling, copious eye and nose discharge and coma — with rapid deterioration and death in some cases.

  • Descenders

    Idk why. Well, I do know why: I grew up in an era where Flash games started to do physics-based gameplay, and something about that just made them endlessly replayable and easy to do while focusing on something else like a lecture or whatever.

    So many games these days demand your full attention. And that’s great, when you have time for it. But if I just have 45 minutes to derp around while I catch up with friends on Discord, I can’t dive into an epic boss fight that I was prepping for a month ago.