It’s ff14, and the actual playtime is none of your fucking business.
It’s ff14, and the actual playtime is none of your fucking business.
He’s an extremely rich scumbag.
Web 3 was crypto scams, we’re up to web 6 or 7 by now
The FOMO based businesses are preying on people with poor impulse control…which there are no shortage of in the nerd world.
Yeah I don’t really buy pc games before they fall below a certain price point, anyway. So I don’t really care about these limited exclusive periods.
I wonder how much these deals are paying off for epic. Outside of exclusives and the weekly free games I’ve basically never even thought of buying a game on EGS. Definitely the worst launcher experience. Easily ignorable.
On the one hand this is pretty hypocritical. On the other hand I probably would do the same in his position given that trump plans to weaponize the Justice department. Not great but this is the state our country is in now.
Not “facist”? Maybe for 2025.
Yeah definitely hasn’t been a single good game release in the last 20 years.
Why is “DAE games suck now??” such a meme among olds? Do you only buy games made by Ubisoft and EA or something?
When I recently upgraded my phone I was surprised how little got brought over automatically and how hard it was to migrate configurations. If it actually copies over all my preferences from old phone to new phone, then great. If it’s just logins then that’s not really useful.
Which does not reflect my experience in the working world at all.
Empirically, Final Fantasy 14. Also my only 1000 hour game since games services started logging playtimes in a more durable way. Only other games I can think that might have touched that time are Diablo II and UT99, but both of those playtimes are lost to the sands of time.
Gonna be honest, income inequality is awful in America, but this post feels more like sour grapes.
Trump is not someone who likes to share the stage.
Out of curiosity are any similar products actually good? My company uses Webex and frankly I’d rather use teams.
I think they call them devops now.
I don’t know a fucking thing about Romanian law but this sounds 100% normal. If it’s to your advantage to delay then your lawyer will delay.
I mean yeah, lower inflation doesn’t mean prices go back down, and wages didn’t inflate for most people.
Presumably because they are continually picking up new players from younger age groups while retaining many older players, but I don’t really have any interest in those games so I don’t know much about them. I’m not really seeing how this directly relates to my comment, either.
Or uh maybe old games are still good and it makes sense to provide an easy way for newer generations to play them? If a record label remasters a Beatles album do we get mad over that? Music doesn’t have an expiration date so why should games?
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