I have reliably upgraded Mint in place the last, dunno, 5-6 major releases or so, works exactly as well as Ubuntu’s
I have reliably upgraded Mint in place the last, dunno, 5-6 major releases or so, works exactly as well as Ubuntu’s
I fully understand the argument and kinda agree. That said, here’s why i still use the Telegram self-chat just like OP, you can suggest a note-taking app replacement if you think:
Gimme a note taking app that has all these, that is not a big program needing lots of resources to run all the time, and that i can self-host for the server part (or E2EE P2P like Syncthing) and we’re cooking!
Since i use the self-chat on Telegram a lot i’ve wished for exactly the same thing in the past as i’m planning on leaving the service, so far haven’t found a right fit yet
Missing: instant preview. If the implementation is just syncing a file, then that works, otherwise it’s the same thing