If I ever buy Turnip branded crap, I’ll glady buy the Chinese knockoffs. I’d pay extra and leave a tip if i knew it was definitely Chinese being sold by some alleyway street hustler.
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
If I ever buy Turnip branded crap, I’ll glady buy the Chinese knockoffs. I’d pay extra and leave a tip if i knew it was definitely Chinese being sold by some alleyway street hustler.
Rest In Money
I’m sure those billions will get you through the gates of heaven … say hi to Jimmy when you get there.
Government grifters and charlatan faith leaders have completely debased the idea of ‘Christianity’ over the past few decades to the point where most people associate Christianity as some joke religion that no one really takes seriously.
Personally, I see anyone who proclaims themselves as Christian as a liar, bigot, narcissist and someone lacking in empathy for others. Sure you can tell me about Jesus Christ but I associate anyone who claims him are just paying lip service to the religion and that they are just psychotic sociopaths who are only interested in power and money.
I don’t mind Churches dying out because they’ve basically destroyed their own religion themselves.
Unfortunately, humans are a dumb species that rely heavily on wanting to believe in something so once this religion dies out another one will take its place and repeat the process. It’s been happening for thousands of years so I don’t think we’ll stop that tradition any time soon.
The dumb part is … the US has to somehow finance a big giant monster of a military … if billionaires and millionaires stop paying taxes where the hell will the money come from? Taxing the poor and middle class more won’t even pay for all their expenses.
The wealthy want it all and think they can get poor people who have no money to pick up the slack.
I’m no economist but it’s pretty plain to see that none of this makes sense.
He’s wealthy enough to change his citizenship and just become a full US citizen … they can have him and he can leave us if he feels so strongly about this.
If he feels so strongly and confidently about all this … let him give up his Canadian citizenship and go join the US … he’s got the money and influence to do it … go ahead and take the first step.
My thinking is that we will probably wipe ourselves out ourselves through war / conflict / nuclear holocaust before AI ever gets to the point of having any kind of power or influence to affect the planet or humanity as a whole.
I don’t think AI will wipe us out
I think we will wipe ourselves out first.
I respect Charlie Angus because he has made a career for speaking up for the little guy, the minority and especially Indigenous Canadians.
He’s right on this point … any time a politician speaks, we have to hold them accountable for everything they say, suggest, imply or state outright. They don’t tease or speak off the cuff … everything they say is significant, even if it is from an idiot politician like Turnip.
And we all have a responsibility to call them out on their statements at every instance. If we allow them to overstep once, then they’ll take a step further and if we allow that next step, they’ll take another step again and on and on.
It’s the argument of the slippery slope … allow things to move a bit and its easy to stop … if you allow it to go on too much, too far and too fast … then it is far too difficult to stop.
Sign of things to come … I’m not bothering to read that stupidity.
The next four years (and probably more beyond that) will just be never ending rage politics, nonsense, distraction, diversion and general stupidity while those in power get to do whatever they want in the background. There will be so much noise everywhere that very few if anyone will ever notice what is really happening in the country. Not notice of course until it’s too late and too far gone for anyone to be able to fix it.
At this point, I’m convinced it’s just a matter of regulating food
Every major revolution in history was more or less sparked and accelerated because people were starving. And when you have the choice of starving to death or doing something, anything, then most people will opt for action rather than dying.
So as long as you keep people fed … you can abuse them, manipulate them, treat them with no respect and take away everything from them and the majority of them won’t do a thing … take away their food however, and they’ll lash out like a wild animal.
This also doesn’t mean that you keep people well fed … it just means keeping enough food in their grasp to keep them from revolting.
That’s their logic … they weren’t thinking “He’s not going to hurt the poor” …
They were thinking “He’s not going to hurt ME! He’s going to hurt other people I don’t like.”
Officer in charge of evidence storage: … “one brick of cocaine … check!”
It’s all fun and games and a big joke until militaries start occupying sovereign states after being ordered by some delusional leaders that think they can do whatever they want because they surround themselves with people who won’t question a damned thing.
Part of the problem is people like Turnip being in power … the other half of the problem is everyone either standing around supporting him or doing absolutely nothing to stop or question him.
Canadian here … most of Canada is pretty decent and this is coming from an indigenous Canadian.
We have the same problem as the US where a small group of wealthy people and corporations basically own and control the country against the wishes of the people. We’re in the same situation as the Americans, ours just looks nicer but with less money.
The victim doesn’t matter unless they are worth millions of dollars or stand to help others win or loss millions.
When you think about it … the system isn’t protecting people, whether they are rich or not … the system is just thinking about protecting wealth and capital.
Problem is that yes they will probably do that and get away with it and a bunch of kids get to have a bunch of fun … learn very little other than how to cheat and get by and they get a passing grade and go through school learning nothing.
The old rule of don’t put your dick in crazy
I was referring to the sliver I got between my fingers … it was a doozy!
lol … as if … I’m sure there is a boom in subscriptions for VPN services in the south at the same time … especially for every political office holder at every level of government