Well, no. Not exactly. I do think you are using “I have black friends so I can’t be racist” sort of logic to not be critical of your original comment. But I never thought you were coming from a place of malice or outright bigotry, just one of ignorance. There is a lot of propaganda around anti-trans legislation, so I truly can’t fault you for not understanding the nuance of endocrinology.
Yet having said that, the fact that you and your ex argued about this intensely enough that you split , that you describe her stance as “devout” and that yesterday you saw this thread as an opportunity to bring the story up. Well… it speaks to bias that apparently you still hold. I believe you were not trying to be mean, but when you talk about “the physical differences between men and women” as a way to argue for trans exclusion than you clearly do not understand the community or the issues we face, much less be an ally.
At a certain point, intent or former trans friends just doesn’t matter.
Glad that the term “exclusive” expires, pre-ordering to get something is a FOMO that I personally don’t find enticing, but understand from a business stand point. But over time it just becomes silly to arbitrarily block existing content for players that purchased YEARS after release.
I’ve been watching Severance and thinking about Control lately, might be time for a replay.