Thanks NBC for spreading the propaganda that a 273 billion dollar company with a 45% operating margin can decide not to gouge their customers in this rare instance.
Thanks NBC for spreading the propaganda that a 273 billion dollar company with a 45% operating margin can decide not to gouge their customers in this rare instance.
RHVoice works well enough for me. https://f-droid.org/packages/com.github.olga_yakovleva.rhvoice.android/
I would trust Stellantis way more than these Dogebags.
Google hardware is actually solid. Just don’t run Google software.
DOGE actually means to Do Only Good Everyday. The acronym has been hijacked. We really need to get back to sponsoring bobsled teams and making sure people have drinking water.
Its all about phrasing. They are just having an extended layover because their flight is delayed. Boeing also provides courtesy, in-flight door removal.
I can confirm that no one is reading anything you write here.
Block tyranny porn? Doesn’t that also filter Project 2025?
Are you just as concerned that cash is not traceable and that some is exchanged tax free? I don’t see how any GPU miners are profitable at this point. Outside of gaming: AI must have a larger GPU demand? Most miners are using ASICs. You’re absolutely right that mining energy should come from plants that have underutilized capacity and (obviously) renewable sources. The cat’s out of the bag on cryptocurrency and unjust laws don’t deserve to be followed. All government printed currencies eventually become worthless.
Crypto cannot be banned. It can only be made illegal, if countries want to remove themselves from the digital currency revolution. The derivatives market is $730T. Stocks are about $110T. Real estate is around $380T. If you’re concerned about the minuscule amount of illegal activities that occur within the 3.5T crypto market, your fears are misguided. Crypto is mostly traceable. Fiat currencies are highly preferred for drug sales and tax avoidance.
Hoarding fiat currency will always end worse than slowly trading it for assets that hold or increase in value. All the while: government money loses value by design. Attempting to time a crash and call the bottom is more akin to gambling than investing.
Cayman Islands, UAE, Bahamas, Monaco, Bermuda, Qatar, Bahrain, Brunei, Oman, Kuwait, British Virgin Islands, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Anguilla, Somalia… There’s more, but you only asked for one. I will admit that doing fine is a relative term and probably doesn’t apply to all these places. 😂
That would just suppress the price in the short term and leave that country behind in the digital currency revolution. Everyone has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. Politicians can legislate all they want, but crypto will keep humming along.
Governments have shown in the past they will indeed never give up their money printer. That’s a key reason crypto was created. You seem to think governments are willingly allowing crypto to exist and have the ability to shut it down. Centralised e-cash has been tried (and quickly squashed). P2P crypto is immutable and exists to preserve the freedom of users.
Right? Its just that biological, carbon-based shit on it that’s gonna get cooked. This old rock is gonna be just fine. 🥹
You are right, that most of these women probably would have consented. Rapists are into non-consensual sex. Its kinda their kink.
I have one of those $15 motion-activated alarms from Amazon (with a key-fob) buried under the seat of mine. That way, it will at least make some noise while it’s being stolen. Obviously, use a lock (first and foremost).
For what its worth: I’ve been running enterprise since 2015 (when it was called LTSB) then switched to LTSC IoT around 2021. Its fantastic and doesn’t have all the Candy Crush and other bullshit. I highly recommend.
Uhhh cows not being able to consent is the only reason you aren’t banging them? How the fuck do I unread something? Why speak in 3rd person? Lots of questions
Is it necessary to get a cell plan to run the hotspot? If its just a matter of buying the $20 and loading EFF’s software, I’m definitely onboard!