Trump has abused the system to punish reporters for less. You can’t trust him to answer a single question truthfully anyway.
Trump has abused the system to punish reporters for less. You can’t trust him to answer a single question truthfully anyway.
People immigrating to the US? Criminal invaders. The biggest threat to America. Meanwhile, let’s turn an entry country into refugees and forcibly relocate them into other countries without the consent of anyone involved. Makes perfect sense. /s
You can’t produce the same ridiculous gibberish. Translation isn’t just replacing each word with the exact equivalent word. It’s hard enough just making sense out of what he’s saying when he starts saying one thing and the dementia kicks in and he starts saying a different thing. Imagine trying to translate it into a language with a different sentence structure while still capturing the incoherence and limited vocabulary. Even if you manage it, people will think it’s a bad translation.
Does Syncthing actually work with device IDs? It seems to work with encryption keys which should be stored in the user directory, at least if Syncthing is running as a user. Is the problem just that you have two machines with the same name in the same network? You can change the name.
Mediamtx will receive video from the camera using whatever protocol the camera supports and make it accessible over HTTP.
Make sure if you’re using an infinite file HTTP stream instead of DASH or HLS that you configure the timeouts on the reverse proxy appropriately or else your proxy might interrupt the video after some number of seconds. I’ve wasted a lot of troubleshooting time on proxy misconfiguration like that.
This fixes the issue of hosting any nefarious content.
How does removing images change anything? Any file can be transmitted by text, as we used to do with e-mail, and you don’t need to use images to make illegal or just intentionally offensive content.
If you partnered with them as a sponsor and they took your commission money and paid you using some of the money that you would have otherwise gotten anyway, you’d probably be angry.
It violated their policies? What are they going to do? Give the LLM a written warning? Put it on an improvement plan? The LLM doesn’t understand or care about company policies.
Birthrates are low in many countries and it’s unknown how much of South Korea’s low birthrate is related to 4B.
It may or may not be a concern to you, but if you are hosting it from your home then people will be able to determine your IP and rough physical location.
If you’re on American cable internet and expecting a lot of traffic, your upload speed may become a problem.
The American education system has failed you. I’m assuming by “a progressive candidate” in this case you mean a third party, but in a first-past-the-post voting system, voting third-party is a protest vote. At best, people voting third-party shows that voters don’t have confidence in the major parties, but at worst it helps your least preferred of the two major parties win the election because you’re not begrudgingly voting for the candidate you hate less. A third-party president is an unimaginable upset.
But if you’re not living in a swing state nobody cares how you vote for president anyway. Hopefully you got a good option for Congress in the primaries. That’s the only thing I had any chance of influencing at a federal level for this election cycle. I’m not in a swing state and in the final election I only got one option for senate and all one candidate could say was that they weren’t the other candidate.
Neither of the candidates for election.
The other problem is that the mouse does not click properly. Apple is still stubbornly refusing to put a second physical button in their mice. For almost 20 years they’ve been selling mice that can emulate right clicking by using a touch surface, but it seems like you still need to hold the mouse funny to avoid accidentally doing the wrong click because your other finger is resting on the other side of the mouse when clicking. At least they got rid of the little ball that likes to scroll horizontally while you’re scrolling vertically and gets clogged easily.
Android 4 was the reunification of Android 2 for phones and Android 3 for tablets. I think it coincided with the launch of the original Nexus 7 and Google Assistant, and I think I was installing third-party Android 4 builds on one of the first US phones with 4G LTE.
The author misses the irony of leaving Twitter, a for-profit, centralized, social network for Bluesky, a different, for-profit, centralized social network. Hopefully it’s different this time.
In December, CISA, a US government agency, surprised people by recommending Signal. Is the UK not having a problem with sophisticated cyber attacks?