More Americans will become
terroristsfreedom fighters
More Americans will become
terroristsfreedom fighters
Oh, and also enemy combatants. Which is probably what Trump will claim immigrants are in his bizzaro world justification…
This is effectively already what Texas has tried to claim…
They’ll be protected in his basement.
Just want to preface this whole argument with a “This issue is pretty complex, and there are valid reasons to be concerned on both sides.”
I always see the “physical differences” argument, and my response is where do you draw the line? There are outliers of both cis men and women, so if we’re going purely off natural physical ability, is it okay to bump the lowest performance cis men into the women’s league, or the highest performance women into the men’s leagues?
It’s funny you mention rugby, because I have a cis female friend who plays. She’s 5’11 and ~180lbs, and an absolute tank on the field. I’m trans, and we’re basically the exact same size/weight. Her 1RM on basically anything other than bench has always been higher than mine, even as a guy. If the concern is purely about physical differences, then at what point do you start singling out non-trans people for being outliers, even if it’s 100% natural?
While I absolutely understand the issues with allowing those who’ve gone through testosterone puberty into sports with those who haven’t (painting with as broad a brush as possible), I think the main reason I struggle to agree with bans of trans athletes in any capacity is simply because it’s 100% going to be abused by shitty people, and is an overly simplistic solution.
My overly simplistic solution? Stop grouping people by gender, and just break it up into tiered leagues/divisions/weight classes like football/soccer, baseball, or wrestling? Will there be a natural segmentation based off sex? For a lot of sports, almost definitely. But I think it’s the most equitable solution, and also helps break down the idea that women can’t possibly compete against men in any way, or that men are inherently better than women. You now also get the added benefit that people who might normally be cut from a team for low performance now have the opportunity to play in a lower division, and have a reason for the players in the low/mid divisions who might obliterate the competition to have a reason to keep improving for a shot at a higher division.
Now, feel free to tear apart my idea, because I’m sure there are many aspects of it I didn’t clearly think through, but it’s just a thought.
I think it just shows how little they actually value women in any way, shape or form.
They see trans men as a total joke, that they’ll never be a “real” man, and of course women would want to be a man! Being a man is the greatest thing ever and only thing these people have going for them, and in effect, transmen affirm their gender identity as being “the best”.
It’s the same reason they hate transwomen so much. They have such a low view of women, it disgusts them that anyone would willingly lower themselves to that level. It attacks their idea that being a straight white men is the best thing ever, and the idea that maybe it’s not, and someone would willingly give up their masculinity and be happier is beyond horrifying to them.
The Lightning has also been out for a few years now, so it’s not the “new” thing. Also, I feel like half of those cYbErTrUcK purchases were people trying to resell them.
It doesn’t even need to be. So many of my friends have already decided to tune out completely because they’re sick of hearing about the nonstop shit.
People are already suffering and dying because of him, let’s not make it any easier for him to take lives.
AGM are absolutely awful compared to even the absolute worst lithium batteries, and won’t last long at all if regularly cycled below even 50% SoC. LFP chemistries are a bit worse for energy density compared to NCA/NCM chemistries, but they don’t contain any nickel or cobalt, and won’t autoignite in the same way other chemistries will. Absolutely ridiculous they’re suggesting lead batteries over better lithium options.
The Mierdas touch, as some day
Is this the recipe for Torgo’s Executive Powder?
The Model 3 released in late 2017, while the “Pedo guy” thing happened in late 2018, and the “420 funding secured” fraud was before the Model 3 even officially entered production. The “FSD in 6 weeks maybe” BS had been going on from the earliest Model S days, and I can give a very comprehensive list of all the massive red flags that’d been waving from when the first Roadster rolled off the line.
I can give a pass to anything earlier than the Model 3, just because it wasn’t reported on nearly as much and I don’t expect people to follow industry news to the same degree I do, but it was still definitely there for people to see if they wanted to. However, Elon has literally always been a massive piece of shit from day 1, and it’s only gone downhill from there and especially after the Model 3 was starting production. Anyone trying to convince themselves they bought their car before that was “obvious” is coping hard.
Well, if America is no longer a superpower, then Putin and all his oligarchs buddies are planning on sweeping up the spoils of its ruin for themselves.
He’s admitted to abusing drugs multiple times in the past, in ways that are very well known to be unbelievably stupid combos, like Ambien and alcohol.