But not old enough to remember that charges were eventually dropped?
But not old enough to remember that charges were eventually dropped?
While bulk pricing is legal, distributors are legally mandated to provide the same pricing models to all qualified customers. However, the US hasn’t enforced these laws in a long time. Theoretically Walmart and Mom and Pop’s Grocery should be able to place the same size order for the same price but many big box stores started bullying the distributors for special secret pricing and then forbade them from offering those prices to anyone else.
If it is the standard of care for pets and other animals who cannot communicate their needs to us directly, shouldn’t it also be the standard of care for people, who can communicate their desires and needs.
Bullshit. Our best recourse as parents is to talk to our children every day to ensure their life has people who will listen and understand them as a constant presence, instead of random strangers on the Internet. Just exposure to this shit isn’t the toxic part. It’s the constant exposure without context and support of caring adults to help kids contextualize the information. Just like sex, alcohol, and every other complex “adult” thing.
The lawsuit was about the fact the school knew for months about the problem and did nothing to address it. If they plausibly couldn’t know, it wouldn’t have been their fault but this was reported to the admin repeatedly and they did nothing.
That would be the job the Congress’s Government Accountability Office. Having 2 totally seperate and independent orgs in charge of government efficiency is peak Trump logic.
Oooo! Do Guaifenesin next! That also has basically no evidence of effectiveness despite being on the market for ages.
Yes and no? You can’t buy the food at school with cash. So just opting out of the system isn’t possible.
Cash has to be taken to the cafeteria before lunch to be entered into the system so the kids need a special pass to run down and take care of it. Mine are really bad at remembering this and at the start of the year when every family is trying to put cash in, there can be massive delays.
The most interesting boggle about the new system is they didn’t include any way to transfer lunch balance between kids in the family and apparently that was a big issue for a lot of families. Seems that many people would give the cash deposit to the oldest kid and then use the old system to redistribute the money to the younger kids in the family later.
Yep! $2.25 for the “convenience” every transaction on the shady new app my school district picked this year. I’m supposed to be grateful they moved to an app this year that processes the payments quickly instead of the 1 school day lag the last app had.
It’s kinda more of a dairy and sandwich business with a gas station tacked on. Most of them didn’t even sell gas before 2000.
How do you get home internet service without a subscription? I’m down to try it.
Rabies vaccine is only made for a handful of animals. For example a vaccine is made for domestic sheep but not for domestic goats. Goats and sheep are closely enough related that goats owners have their animals vaccinated using the sheep vaccinations but since they have not been officially tested, you can’t say the animals have been vaccinated for rabies in a legal capacity so the petting zoo has a big sign about the rabies risk in goats.
I think this is mostly a case on NY state’s sick of people ignoring their wild animal laws and with NYC especially they can’t allow for people to just keep whatever animal they want and think it’s okay. If Peanuts owner had been licensed as an actual wildlife rehab, it would have been different but wildlife are not pets even when they are friendly.
Philly got some “means well” but mostly we have “having a good damn time” and “doesn’t give a fuck”. We’re not malicious, but we’re not sympathetic either.
If you read the law as written and voted on in Louisiana, it lists 11 Commandments, because there isn’t one list of Commandments that these people can agree on. But they can agree that everyone should be forced to look at them in school?
Nice for you to live somewhere mild enough your car doesn’t need to pre-heat but some people live in Chicago and other places where it still snows and pre-heating the car is a must 3 months of the year.
I take it you’ve never been involved in such an endeavor? What you propose would take a decade a minimum due to the sheer number of nested advisory committees that would be required for those groups to interface. Better a non-profit group begins the work and then solicits these group’s input at the design stage.
Drupal…damn it’s been years since someone mentioned Drupal. I remember it being the next big thing…
If you have been vaccinated, then the current strains are about as deadly as the flu. We still need to keep ready for new strains and for sudden surges that can quickly overwhelm a single location’s health care capacity. This is true of influenza as well, a new strain hitting a small contained community can cause issues.