It’s calling them prostitutes that is incorrect. The kids are not sex workers.
It’s calling them prostitutes that is incorrect. The kids are not sex workers.
Proton DB is the place to go. But I don’t check 99% of games I play, unless it’s going to be an expensive purchase and I want to check before I buy. I also don’t bother with people’s suggested tweaks on proton db unless I actually personally experience issues. The only game I’ve had to tweak so far has been cyberpunk 2077.
Edit: added context, I’m on 2 monitors and one of them is an ultrawide. Never had any issues that aren’t similar to issues I’ve experienced on Windows in the past.
Are you buying collector items?
I don’t think the 2% figure includes the steam deck, but I might be wrong
Gentoo has systemd instructions right alongside openrc through the whole installation handbook. Pretty sure opensuse is systemd also.
Ford has right hand drive escapes in Australia. Your callout about specific vehicle models is one, not entirely correct, and two, not relevant to the point of the parent comment.
That’s not really true. Banks getting higher interest on loans also pay out more interest on deposits, otherwise they’re unable to attract and retain customers. FI profitability is based on net interest margin (revenue from lending - losses from deposits), and they need deposits to have the money to lend out so they can’t arbitrarily lower their deposit account rates to increase NIM.
Banks get richer no matter what happens, because people need loans. If anything, higher rates make it more challenging for banks to make money as people are less able to make repayments and less likely to take out loans for luxury purchases or holidays.
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 has a 10 year support window, and subsequent LTSC versions, 5 years. If you can get your hands on one of these licences you would presumably continue to receive security patches. If the US government is somehow not running on this kind of licence, it would be pretty funny, but I’m sure Microsoft would be lenient and let them jump onto whatever compatible LTSC version given its an American company.
I would say it’s actually only a small amount to think about.
Not the OP, and I don’t actually know, but paid streaming services differ from YouTube in that everyone who accesses the content is paying for the service. On one hand, you can validate that everytime a video is served, it’s served to a paying user. On the other, you are receiving revenue directly from consumers to fund the infrastructure to store and serve the videos.
YouTube, on the other hand, stores significantly more content, for free, and can be accessed for free, without being signed in.
Makes you connectable. If you don’t forward ports for your torrent client you can only connect to peers who are port forwarding, meaning you will download and upload more slowly in most cases.
Future cosmetics will also be available in both games. Not sure about past ones. They’re doing a fantastic job, and hopefully that continues.